Sunday, March 27, 2011

Migrating To Soul Silver

illusions are shattered. INVOCATION



"After the Human Genome Project took off in late of the decade 1980, scientists began to acquire a new vision that shattered the paradigm of how life works. His groundbreaking research has become the foundation of a new branch of science known as 'epigenetic control' which has changed the basis of biology and medicine. This shows that we are not 'victims' but rather 'masters' of our genes. - Bruce H. Lipton: "The intelligence of our cells."

back a bit to what I stated above, I mention what Bruce Lipton reveals when he speaks of the beginning of each life and belief system. Lipton says that the nervous system fetal recorded memories of his experience in the womb, and that at the time of his birth, the emotional information downloaded from their experiences in the womb and set half of his personality as an individual. This is very important because if we have the opportunity to know this fact, many of the limiting beliefs that we just inherited blood can be eradicated. In saying this, I'll take care of the most influential programming the subconscious mind takes place in the time period that starts from birth through the first six years of life of any individual.

During these six years the brain of each person is recording all sensory experiences while who is learning the various programs such as speech engines, crawling, walking and finally running and jumping. Simultaneously, the subconscious mind takes perceptions regarding their parents, who they are and what they do, and begins to perceive the world around her. Then, by observing the behavior patterns of people around him, a child learns the subtleties of acceptable and unacceptable social behavior, later to become the subconscious programs that establish the 'rules of life. "

brain's primary task is to acquire a conscience to work in the world through the act of downloading the experiences and observations from and bring to mind subconscious. However, there is a very serious situation in the act of acquiring awareness and alertness through this medium. The effect is so profound that not only has an impact on the lives of individuals, also can alter an entire civilization. The issue has to do with the fact that we download our perceptions and beliefs about life long before we have the ability to think critically. We have the ability to judge (in a good way) the behavior of others versus our deepest feelings and our desires, that is, our intuition does not have the ability to distinguish between a limiting belief and behavior of most child clear perception of our environment, self-confidence that we can give, in order to breathe health talk, plain and simple. Our initial perceptions are literally carved in stone in our subconscious mind as being unequivocal truths, hence make mention of the limiting beliefs which operate for life, unless there is an active effort to reschedule.

When, in our childhood, downloaded or limiting beliefs that they sabotage us about ourselves, these perceptions become our truths and our subconscious process will generate, so invisible, those behaviors that are consistent with those truths. For example, at birth, every human can swim like a fish, and he does instinctively (not for nothing that spent nine months in an aqueous environment), however, over the years, as perceived caution (fear) in their parents because they fear it could either drown in the bathtub, pool or sea, the child forgets how to swim and come to fear the water. Another example would be the certainty of not being smart enough or capable, so that the individual, having listened to any of their parents exclaim, "How foolish you are, never be anyone in my life!" Is going to take as true . To strive for more will not get out, unless you decide to change what is recorded in DNA positive information. This individual has the ability to change their belief to be a good for nothing so intimately known to reside inside: normal intelligence, an insight that, though quietly, has given more than one occasion the front right view given situation.

Through our experiences during the early years of our development, we are convinced that we are frail and vulnerable bodies, subject to unavoidable damage by contagious germs and diseases. The fragile belief inevitably leads the individual to a position of weakness and limiting perceptions of the mind's innate ability to inhibit auto body heal. It is quite true what Dr. Lipton explains in his lectures and books, "The influence of mind on the process of healing is the focus of psychoneuroimmunology, the field that describes the mechanism through which our thoughts change the chemistry of brain, which, in turn, regulates the immune system function. While negative beliefs can cause disease (the nocebo effect), the resultant disease state can be alleviated through the healing effects of positive thoughts (placebo effect). "

He continues:" The other source of perceptions shape our lives has its source in self-conscious mind. Anti-reflective programming the subconscious mind, self-conscious mind is a creative platform that provides a variety of perceptions that are mixed and transformed through the imagination, a process that generates a huge amount of belief and variants behavior. The quality of self-conscious mind provides the agencies with one of the most powerful forces in the universe: the opportunity to express their free will. "

Speaking of the Personal Responsibility

A clear example of what happens to our emotions quite simply explains Dr. Lipton: "We've all been swayed by emotional chains forged by dysfunctional behaviors were programmed by stories in the past. However, the next time you 'talk to itself' with the hope of changing subconscious sabotage programs, it is important to realize the following: using reason to communicate with our subconscious, in an effort to change their behavior, would essentially be like trying to change the program of an audio tape trying to talk to the tape player. In both cases there is no entity within the mechanism that could respond to our dialogue. "

subconscious programs are not fixed behaviors, with no possibility of change. We have the ability to re-write our limiting beliefs and, process, taking control of our lives. However, changing subconscious programs requires activation of a process and this is not simply start the usual dialogue that runs through the subconscious mind. There are a variety of highly effective processes that help us reprogram our limiting beliefs, and these include clinical hypnotherapy or the practice of Buddhist conscious mind and a number of new modalities that are extremely powerful and are known collectively as Energy Psychology. Learn

guide our minds to promote growth is the secret of life, and therefore Dr. Lipton wrote about the new science and Biology of Belief.

As we become more aware and we rely less on automated subconscious programs, we become masters of our destiny rather than 'victims' of our programs. Thus, we can rewrite the old perceptions constraints, while actively transform the character of our lives so that they are full of love, health and prosperity that is ours by right.

My personal experience has made me confident that we can all change our beliefs if we follow the conscious exercise ...

First, reflect on those reactions that give us, inevitably, a feeling of frustration, sadness, fear or anger. If we are honest, we reach the point where we can easily recognize that something in us led to a negative emotion. Recognize that something is wrong is the first step.

Second, being at that point, we see every time there is a limiting emotion to change the energy of the disappointing results, which do not make us happy, by a state of total calm, in which happiness begins to be present at most of our daily lives.

Third, the time when we decided to make our lives a positive experience, we can use one of many psychotherapeutic techniques that exist today. The the easier the Emotional Freedom Technique and this is part of Energy Psychology. If you agree to undergo a session you may realize that sometimes it's not accept that 'we', it is repeated out loud 'I'. If I want, I can.

Fourth - once the decision to change to really feel healthy, the individual has more options. Another option is meditation and being in the moment. It takes time to get out of the confusion of thoughts that lead us to the past, in which we do not even realize that we are repeating over and over again the events that affected us in unhappy emotional states, the same addiction of the mind can keep us in the future, and do not accept to be in the future is an illusion. Still nothing happens, our mind is making. Staying in the present requires an exercise that, after numerous repetitions, we will finally understand. IS THIS moment, this is happening now, most important, therefore, we live it, enjoy it, breathe it broadly. I'm sure you read this last sentence made a deep breath.
That is, to breathe freely, to fill our lungs to begin to change the status of all our cells, while modified, with our intention, the structure our DNA. Many think that this is not possible, because I have great news you, yes you can. Change

information that was sent to our DNA is completely possible in the time when we decide to be healthy instead of suffering from diseases or disturbing moods, low energy, that strip us of our power. No doubt, that I found myself, but was investigated, studied and revealed by renowned scientists such as Dr. Lipton.

Staying in this

It seems pertinent to add here some lines from my dear friend Michael Brown, author of The Presence Process and other work related to the development of consciousness. This piece belongs to his book "The Art of Integration" that those who read English will be downloaded from its Web http://www.thepresenceportal. com /

"... in fact, a key to whether I am in the present or the past is to realize whether or not I aware of this new agreement with the universe. In the past I have not agreed to anything and, therefore, when my consciousness wanders within this illusory place called "the past" or even "the future", my life seems to be an accident of chance, is disconnected, is meaningless and chaotic. But the question is that, according to my new contract with the universe, everything that happens in my life is relevant. Everything is God trying to break into my misguided interpretations, and in my state of conscious awareness.

This new contract with the universe allows me to take a first step in the field of "free." Freedom is a responsibility. In other words, freedom is based on my ability to respond to whatever is happening at any moment. If I'm reacting, I'm choosing to be in the past. I'm choosing to behave as if it had a contract with the universe about my life experiences. It is only when I am in the category of victim or victor I'm reacting the universe. When I am not free to react, because a reaction is the act of repeating a pattern of behavior that is predictable and is triggered by memories of a past experience.
However, when I embrace the feeling of being a vehicle, I am responding consciously to whatever is happening at every moment ...


extract of Martha Sanchez
Mexico City in April 2009 Public Record
Núm.032009 - 060510551700-01
http://lucesdevirgo.blogspot. com/2011/02/la-preocupacion- a-waste-of-vida.html

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