Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Lower Front Of My Throat Hurts

(3 / 7) Learning from the fundamental human qualities

by Casilda Rodrigáñez

Part 3 / 7

The other excuse important is what the limits. They say the child can not do what he wants because we have limits, the famous theater of discussion ... where I can not do anything because the boundaries are. I think the limits are another excuse because every relationship is given in a given environment with certain limits .

The issue is not within the limits but in the relationship from which to address these limits .. if it appears that we are in a habitat that is unsuitable for the human creature, for the expansion of its qualities, is an unsuitable habitat, a disgrace, but people do want, when they encounter an obstacle, a disappointment, as the conspiracy to deal with this adverse situation, what develops is complicated because it is a relationship on equal terms ..

But what we do when we are in a situation of bullying in childhood, we believe that we must say no and point , "because I say so" because I am an older person who knows what's good for you , what can and what can not; instead of getting one to inform the child and that child because of what is, what happens and see together how we can resolve this situation .

There are always limits but can not put it as an excuse to unilaterally impose your decision against inappropriate situations ...

happens when we tell a child not because , are also saying that the bad are your wishes , what he wants to do instead of picking up and say that the habitat is inadequate is that what we do normalize, we give a normal letter to that inadequacy. We are saying all is well, are you the one who got some quirks and desires that are not well, and we are doing blaming the victim it is business as usual ... power, we say that is wrong and inappropriate habitat that is wrong .

Then I want to say that unsuitable habitat a problem with the question of the limits, response, "the issue is not the limit is the excuse- the issue is the relationship from which to address these limits and if we are going to normalize the inadequacy of habitat human creatures ...

Another thing of evil is innate, if children are caught tantrums tantrums because of all this, which is what there is a rebellion, more or less serious, or open or formal, more or less begrudge inside but what is there is a rebellion against the inhibitions of their own impulses, desires themselves. creature when it is denying the expansion of its own vitality, which is a rebellion and outrage of what is happening by moments is what ... but is that not even let you express , because he is saying that's bad, the message that he is sending is that his desires are bad, the outside is fine, what we propose is well, what we offer is well, are you the one with those desires that are not crrectos, then here comes the default which for a time usually expressed in tantrums, then the child is bad, that rebels, who take tantrums, then little gradually becomes accustomed to the inhibition and that it is what parents say .... You get the use of reason matriarchal how it works, it is assumed is internalized, and not put tantrums and that is not good that tantrums ....

That's what we've done throughout this ... we did lose a wealth of skills and potentials .. most important thing we have to lose is the ability to love the human creature .

When a child is treated with complacency is complacent, because it is a feedback system that is accommodating, generous, understands all, if one day I can not say one thing that you have no explanation.

When you tell him everyday that you can not know it's a lie, the child knows that is a lie that can not ... when you do it consistently.

However when you really have an honest relationship with a child and you really do everything to please all you can. Now you absurd things happen to you, are absurd from the standpoint of productivity performance, but are very important from the point of view of development as a human creature , are very important ... that function, that curiosity, the urge to whatever it expands, it is important to her, yet still get on the roof to dance on one leg and you look like you this is absurd because this lluviendo above, but with her subete to dance on one leg on the roof because that is important to find an acceptance of what he wants and what he wants .

is important to maintain confidence in the environment because if the child ceases to trust you, that you are going to respond to your wishes is not going to continue producing it because they lost confidence in the environment then it is retracted and not expressed desires.

Maintaining confidence the hit, the way of complacency may , feasible, I think the main impediment is the ignorance that still exists and it is possible to accommodate the wishes of children and girls is much more fruitful in terms of knowledge, skills psychomotor, in terms of physical health, from all points of view is more favorable , give up less work, are not war, elos are complacent, they'll understand when you pass a problem, you can tell they are there is a relationship on equal terms between the lovers.

So if it turns out that in today's world every effort to engage parents and they are many, work wear have to make war against their children set limits and discipline, if all those energies put to the service to accommodate the desires, I say that education and the study would be very different than it is now and the relationship with the elderly, among generations would be very different, simply that the door to those worn today energies would be used for making love and peace with the children, just to know, know that have the capacity to self, that are good that are imaginative, with psychomotor skills, which are intelligent, who have a desire to love and please you more than you .........

A very specific aspect I wanted to mention is the child s EXUAL because right now even used children's sexuality, pedophilia, child abuse is identified, it appears that children have no sexual urges, any issue of sexuality related to children is related to abuse. whole life at all even matriarchal civilizations have recognized the existence of infantile sexuality, there childhood sexual impulses but not in the reproductive age, because sexuality is not only playing condition, but to mature , first regulation of the synergy of relationships with others, and maturation of their own sexual oóganos players.

whole life boys and girls have sexual experimentation games driven by their own instincts when playing with other girls and other children experience, there are some precious few stories of children who gathered in a circle and flowers are caressed the vulva, some women still have cash, all this is being lost ... which is the space of childhood that has to do with sexuality .

This is a picture of fifteenth-century Flemish Bruguel, aquiíestan all games in one place in a village, we have ... blind man's buff .. in short, all games invented by children and any toy with a piece of cloth to show's initiative to have children, then we say that we must encourage them to give rewards and punishments, t ll have invented games children and also has been transmitted and deployed in space, commons because they had also been destroyed , spaces childhood, and also because it is relayed as this artificial thing where all school children of a certain age, period, here are all mixed the old and the young , and had more small and sophisticated games .....

So this whole game and the spaces, the initiative has to do with infantile sexuality and the possibility of experiencing sexual impulses in children's games that this has been traced to the run of games girls, all the songs in chorus of girls have a sexual connotation when you say that in your gardener in the garden of love, thank you very much for the fun gardening you've had, you only have chosen you , and then when they say no, when I say no car baby baby stroller, when there are proposals of men will say no, the boatman will say no, baby come here, I do not want to go,

All these facts, studies Borneman facts and wrote a book of patriarchy and has a collection German children's song, to explain the sexual connotation had all games and ... Outcry games for girls, and this has to do with the whole thing to the even pre patriarchal civilizations since 5000 BC in Cucuteni civilization is naked women dancing in a circle and this has continued throughout history until the seventeenth century ... that ended the mountain that made dancing in a circle and they were going to live in the mountains to keep non-phallocentric sexuality of women , so it can be maintained without a proper base were going to mount as the Amazons.

All these games have been maintained until very recently, this is very important because as I said before the elimination of the mother is not alone at the time of delivery, separation etc. is the devastation of sexuality , women. How breaks women's sexuality?, when a child stops do belly dancing, make sex toys, etc, etc. Because as well as neurology, the neural system is not genetically agreed, is only scheduled until 14, 16 weeks of gestation, then depends on the creature loving environment for neurological development and studies have pointed out there had them if anyone is interested.

A-level IQ, was ...... group studies the old system of raising and breeding of the modern system of separation of the mother, hospitals, and therefore bring in carts the mothers who slept with children, giving breastfeeding until like etc, etc, because they had higher IQs , there are the studies done, including at that indicator that I do not seem very well, intellectual delcoeficiente , but even in these terms shows that the neurological system depends on the environment loving creature ...

also human sexuality is not scheduled genetically birth but everything depends on the development of children, that's what drives are in childhood, so there is an activation of human sexuality from early , For example, the uterus of women, it is so important then for the birth, well it turns out that oxytocin receptors -as you know that oxytocin is secreted in the sex drive and when he gets into the receivers, look for his receivers where going to stop that is in the breast muscle of the uterus- is what activates the reflex milk ejection and uterine muscle movement to trigger the movement of labor .

turns out that the density of such oxytocin receptor depends on the sexual activity you've had a woman before . Studies such as women that have gotten into a vein oxytocin, studies have been done uterine tissue and had no receivers, had a very low density of receptors, although they mess Pitocin, if there oxytocin receptors in the muscle or synthetic oxytocin is able to move that ....

(2 / 7) Learning from the fundamental human qualities
(4 / 7) Learning from the fundamental human qualities

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