Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gumball Helmets Blank


This issue is very clear to me when I read the second time the book The Suppression of maternal desire and the genesis of the unconscious state of submission "Rodrigáñez Casilda.

When I started this blog I published an article in relation to the "maternal instinct" THERE , today I reaffirm and expand the topic because it has a crucial, but correct the term "using the right language- it is not 'instinct' but 'DESIRE' on our part properly to human mothers, then MATERNAL DESIRE THERE.


an explanation of Casilda Rodrigáñez (1) :

" I will make also a small section on the concept of 'instinct', because sometimes I have wondered what the difference between 'instinct' (eg maternal instinct) and 'desire'. I think the answer is simple: the 'instinct' is part of wisdom Organic animal world is a broad concept that encompasses many impulses related to survival, nutrition and reproduction. Human beings are also animals, a very specific, despite the redundancy, but a species of animal world, and as such can in CIRSE with all property that we 'instincts'.

With the 'desire' instead we refer specifically to the sexual drive of human beings. It is the vital human instinct, the desire for pleasure and to please (pleasure) that stems from the body with a self-regulatory function. Is the drive to develop orgasmic capacity and our love, our sexuality that is specific and is much more developed than in any other animal.

But the desire has been deleted from the scientific conceptual baggage, and as medicine in general deals with motherhood consider them part of human sexuality, when a pediatrician or a desire to encounter the maternal and recognizes that it is an organic instinct, call it "instinct", because it is the closest word that has, since the concept of emotion, as it is now detached from the libido, it is most inappropriate. "

regard to the existence of maternal desire, I find the same author also another explanation which fully developed share (2) . It is also interesting to note the warning which it relates to the EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE , a term widely used today is not really anything but the emotional behavior to fight our own body wisdom :


For Casilda Rodrigáñez

About the idea to 'raise the heart', I thought no, it is not worth the argument that things must be said slowly.

maternal desire is a sexual drive, and there is, nevertheless, in our battleships and disconnected bodies, but only can, but just melt and pierce our armor, and you barely get to the neocortex. Repressed, inhibited and maligned, yet, is the hope of humanity .

As Michel Odent said in a recent interview, the question is not what happens to this or that particular child; the question is whether humanity can survive if they become unnecessary hormones love ... what degree of automation of the bodies can withstand our kind and what degree of automation achieve if castrates its basic thrust.

maternal desire is the sexual drive that guides and governs motherhood. This is the truth of motherhood is not known or is not said . After three generations of hospital births and artificial feeding, the consequences are so disastrous in terms of mental illness and psychological (depression, suicide), and in terms of child and social violence, and are so obvious that people start to become questions, seek explanations and relate things. And what you see if you encounter the truth! Especially since there are many things that are 'singing', such as neurology and neonatal clinical practice, and are confirming what we already knew from other fields of science (History, archeology, anthropology, sociology, sexology, etc.).

The impulse of desire in general, is an experience that still many humans have known and know it exists. And also the maternal desire is an experience we have lived many, perhaps, I hope, enough women.

This experience provides the knowledge that lovemaking techniques are secondary issues, and essence of sexuality and human orgastic capacity, is the desire . Referring to sexual intercourse, which is the best known, I think everyone knows that you can practice the 400 positions of the kamasutra, and not even graze the experience of a spontaneous relationship driven by desire. The positions themselves do not we melt inside or produce flows. Just do as far as they help to induction or production of desire. The desire for himself, before leading us to any position, only to arise, we melts and liquefies us.

The sense of smell, so important in the induction of desire (remember the famous story Napoleon and Josephine), guides the movements of newborn babies to carry the mother's nipple . Just the standard refrain from violation of their bodies that is practiced in hospitals, and respect their impulses. Bergman says that explain and make the mother or nurse put the baby in the proper position to begin nursing, it is worse ( Restoring the original paradigm) (3) .

The tecnosexología who once denounced and Merelo-Barbera, now applies to motherhood, without even talking about maternal sexuality. So the positions are recommended to breastfeed, skin to skin contact, non-physical separation ... patterns that surely needed in our world of medicalized motherhood, but when proposing without saying essentially, desire, still leaving the field for the automation of motherhood . Inhibited

the drive of desire, then it is only 'educate' and conveniently drive the behaviors, attitudes, feelings and emotions. In my last book I tried to explain emotional behaviorism is practiced today, as an alternative to anxiety producing emotions uprooted from the drives, and to fit in our cultural habits and social .

treaties in neurology ( Kahle, University of Frankfurt) explains that emotions and feelings are produced to help guide and implement the development of drives. The instincts of alert situations and defense, such as anger, rage, anger, etc., In fact we know and name through the accompanying feelings, but also know other aspects of its physiology, such as increased rate and blood pressure, sweating, muscle tension, goose bumps, hair standing on end, knot in the stomach, adrenaline and cortisol, etc. The sexual instincts of the normal state of relaxation, also present with loving feelings and emotions. All the feelings and emotions are part of the drives that animate the body, and to keep alive. But our society relations of domination is not about keeping the bodies in their full vitality, but on the contrary .

Educating the emotions, if not because it is actually a perverse political strategy, it would be something so ridiculous as to raise red blood cells or any cell of our body or . There is no emotion to educate: they know more than any psychologist l @ s @ s @ s of the world combined, and are also for us, for our self and our welfare . emotional education covers a strategy of regulation and 'normalization' of behaviors, and builds, obviously, a big lie on the human body, is the psychology of the bodies that automatically inhibit their impulses, the psychology of cutting and Body decomposition in the service of political domination and submission invisible unconscious.

Today, the sex drive has disappeared from our conceptual world. If the sins of the flesh has gone nowhere. How are we to understand the emotions that poor little orphaned and destitute of the body that has produced! How not to become anxious about such a calamity! feelings and emotions that roam erratic in our bodies, disturbs us because we can not understand, we can not understand what happens to us, and we can not remedy what upsets us because we can not identify . Then come and tell us we are emotional illiterates and we must educate ourselves emotionally, and we believe it . This new psychology of emotional behavior even sometimes comes under the heading of 'bioenergy', a concept invented by Reich to refer to sexual energy as energy of life ( sexual production is vital produ ction per se. Reich, The Function of the Orgasm ), and that detracts now to become the opposite, theoretical denial of the sexual production: the psychology of the bodies libido.

Emotions are wise, as wise as the drives that keep our metabolic rate during sleep. Human bodies are not illiterate, are wise . @ S when we are connected to our instincts, our emotions and feelings also are transparent, and perceive their origin and function wise for our welfare and our self. And when emotions and feelings are clear, we can not be deceived or unconsciously submit. And, when uninhibited desire, recover the original harmony between the impulses and emotions, an important aspect of the synergistic union of all our body systems, and then it recovers all its splendor, its internal transparency and capacity force. I found references anthropological At least three people whose women could decide when they got pregnant without drugs or condoms.

timely repression of drives is not enough to make us lose the wisdom body. If the neocortex works in harmony and in favor of the limbic brain, following the occasional mishaps autoregulation recovers. So fool the neocortex is necessary to act as an inhibitor of the limbic brain, and so we have to know that the desire is there, that the sex drive is what triggers the development of our capacity orgastic and part of our physiological regulation; and especially, that guides and regulates motherhood. In the era of domination invisible, and can not directly prohibit the 'sins of the flesh' that explicitly recognizes the physical drive.

But ultimately this is very new. What is new is their appearance 'scientific' and their degree of sophistication to adapt to a society that, as predicted by the authors of the science-fiction novel, requires that people do not realize that he is being controlled and used . When I was young, it now call 'emotional literacy', is called sublimation of desire and libido . Love, but said they left the soul and not of the body, placed it in his heart. The heart beats to pump blood and is not an erogenous body, and so perhaps is a good place to relocate imaginary feelings of love once disconnected from the drives. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You "was our mantra recited while our instincts sublimábamos adolescents or the" Sacred Heart of Mary, be my salvation. ".

I love painting with its rays, it copied from pre-patriarchal societies, who painted uterus and breasts, their beats and expansive movements of the waves of pleasure. A picture is worth a thousand words, says the proverb, and a little incense and Gregorian chant, you can reach the most exquisite mystical sublimation. And if anything, the heart surrounded by a crown of thorns, joining the sublimated love and suffering.

True love does not have an epicenter in the heart, but down in the belly, where comes the desire, drive sexual. And it expands in a vertical line up, but throughout the body, like the tentacles of the octopus that surround and embrace the bellies of the pre-patriarchal pitchers.

maternal desire is the sexual instinct that guides and governs motherhood. This is the truth of motherhood is not known or is not said . The responsibility of those who know and do not say it is great because, well know, the matricide is in fact a genocide. And it's no metaphor. responsibility is as great as that of those who knew the Nazi concentration camps were death camps, and did not say .

I recently read online that he was experimenting with guinea pigs the application of artificial hormones and other substances to inhibit all or part of the imprint. Before asking the question of whether it would be only for applications in animal husbandry, every cell of my body shrank scare me, as the division of the nuclei or genetic engineering: who, what criteria, and to what point can control the application of these technologies? All this is what in a moment 'thought' cell of my body, and of course my neurons. course we're not in the time that was put bromide in the food of the prisoners or convents to inhibit the sexual appetite, now things are more sophisticated. And yes, regardless of intention, years we have been using artificial hormones in other stages of the sexual life of women, such as contraception, childbirth or menopause, at doses as calibrated and as varied as vaginal suppositories or patches, also could get to apply for the desire of mothers in breastfeeding, in addition to the tecnosexología and emotional behavior .

artificial hormones can not replace natural hormones. Natural hormones are not just a chemical: the impulses occur at a time and under certain circumstances, with a specific rhythm and cadence in interaction and in unison with other multiple and complex processes that span the entire body . Hormone pulsatility is a concept that is already in clinical trials, and there are for example, show that the effectiveness of reflex milk ejection depends on the pulsatility of oxytocin . And we also know the different action of synthetic oxytocin, vaginal or intravenous-, and oxytocin secreted naturally at birth.

The control of human sexuality has always been directly related to the need for a particular robots and handling s body. Female sexuality is a latent threat , is an ancient knowledge, even though today is veiled, it orgastic capacity of women is incompatible with the exclusive monogamous, and birth and breastfeed with and part pleasure phylogenetic qualities of our bodies . In any case, is extremely important and urgent to end the lie that affects body maternity , Know and say that maternal desire exists and what exists .



(1) From "Sexuality and Operation of Domination" by Casilda Rodrigáñez

(2) blog article in the Octopus and Jellyfish

(3) Restoring the Original Paradigm Nils Bergman

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