Monday, March 21, 2011

How To Stop Beong A Heavy Sleeper

What is wealth?. Pedagooogía

Post: maestrosyguiasdelaluz.blogspot . com

According Bashar, abundance is the ability to do exactly what you need when you need it. (Repeat this phrase to learn well and understand the concept.) This refers to any money either abundance, good relationships, good jobs, happy moments.

As most enjoy the process of discovering what your beliefs are things will happen faster since you will be excited about here and now with what is happening. The same goes for anything you want to achieve ... is increasingly important to put yourself in the process of being in the now and be a co-creator.


(Comments taken from a text by Mike Robbins, always so wise.)

How flexible are you?

Among other things, we could say that all depends on your mood, the power that you have about your fears or your resistance to change or how much you hold on to something or someone .

If we reflect a bit, we can see that the situations, relationships and experiences that cause us the greatest chagrin and frustration are always those in which are inflexible. Moreover, as we are more flexible to any event greater peace and fulfillment we have.

Today, more than ever, we face the challenge of being flexible in our work, our relationships and every aspect of our lives. However, due to our own fear, manifestations of our ego to be arrogant, or when we are obsessed with wanting to always be right or be experiencing stress or strength, we are often inflexible and this is to our detriment as it arises a high level of frustration on the things that happen to us.

Being flexible has nothing to do with being weak or passive. Flexibility is a conscious choice, a powerful ability and an extremely valuable to be in the changing and ever evolving world in which we live. We can be firm in our convictions, passionate about our beliefs and very clear about our intentions and at the same time be flexible enough to produce significant changes in our lives and remain open to new ideas.

Some key elements to expand our own capacity, to install the flexibility in our lives, skill that will lead to greater peace, joy and fulfillment are:

- Letting go of our obsession to cling to people and things. Whenever you notice that we are clinging to a result, a particular way of doing things, an opinion that is rigid, we can see that we are inflexible. Letting go of this need to cling to something does not mean denying our desire, simply expressed our intention to let go of control in every aspect of this event, the effort to force the action and our fixation on doing things exactly as we think they should be.

- OK we're wrong .- A majority of us love to be right and will do anything to avoid being in error. Our obsession with being right and our fear of ridicule sometimes gets in the way we want to be, to achieve what we want, say what we think and rule our fixed ideas about how they are supposed things should be. When we accept that we may be wrong and we free ourselves permission to take risks, try new things or to approach life with a flexible approach, creative and innovative.

- Do not take yourself too seriously .- If we stay in that rigid behavior that creates unnecessary stress and even concern. When we can laugh at ourselves (in a kind) and keep things in perspective and remember that most everyday driving situations are not life or death, then we can take less seriously and as a result we have a way to relate to life and everything around us in a balanced, peaceful and creative.

- Know that everything flows .- If you look at the life we \u200b\u200brealize that there is a natural flow throughout. As we come in contact with this flow more natural and trust in ourselves and in others, and believe that for everything there is a solution, we will be able to break free from unnecessary burdens. As Esther Hicks says: "Most people are rowing against the tide, instead of turning the boat all you have to do is drop the oars."

- Requests help and feedback to others .- The support of others is extremely valuable in many aspects of our life and growth, especially as it relates to being more flexible. We can learn from the model of others. We can also give permission people who are important in our lives to remind us (gently) when we show rigid, clinging, tight, and started to take us too seriously. In the same way we exercise our physical body to keep it flexible, just as we exercise our behavior and our thinking to be more happy.

Every day you do not do what you must do to respect the natural law is a day you lose ... you lose the option of being in harmony with nature. Try to maintain balance.

In service,
Martha Sánchez -

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