Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Why Do I Have Fat Knees

STATEMENT ON VIOLENCE qualities of human beings (2 / 2)

" All discussions about the issue of whether man is good or bad, whether it is a social or antisocial, are in fact philosophical pursuits. That man is a social or a protoplasmic mass irrational reactions, depending on whether their basic biological needs are in harmony or in conflict with the institutions that it has created "Wilhelm Reich

regard to the treatment of the creatures, evil- treatment is given (see Part 1 ) mayormermente by misinformation, ignorance of the qualities of human beings . In a recent article (A) Rodrigáñez Casilda mention of this ignorance, I copy a paragraph of this interesting article:

".... I think the vast majority have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe qualities and innate goodness of man (the basic conceptual dogma in the collective unconscious). And I say this because if people had no idea it would its treatment of their children, if I had idea of \u200b\u200btheir qualities, rather than give orders and set limits, would facilitate the means for expansion of their desires and their strict limits for children today, in the suffocating under nuclear family, not as consumers and slaves of the new Orwellian society. I think people do not know what a human being and therefore is dedicated to feeling fresh. And does not know, it is clear that the vitality subtracting their children, is building artificial design of fascist rule ...."

The second part of this interesting explanation, the same writer, on the qualities of all human beings, when we are creatures , which we lose as we grow in the hostile environment in which we socialize:

The qualities of the human creature

For Casilda Rodrigáñez

Excerpt from " Sexuality and performance of dominance "

Now we have lost the sense of human brotherhood and the innate goodness of the creature. Such concepts sound like us more or less utopian proclamations, political or religious. But as I said Kropotkin (2) , there was a time when there was no politics or religion or knew the fratricide. Fraternity and mutual aid was a way of life of mankind, which was maintained for millennia, and some called 'old happy', or 'holy old' or 'golden age', others' silver age ', others' companies mother-law 'because it was governed by maternal, others' matristic'; matrifocal or matricentric, in which old mother had this that said Lope, who lives as to postpone .

Boockhin Murray (9) ensures that the voice oldest to describe the concept of freedom 'is amaryi , a Sumerian expression means return to the mother, adding that reference surely to that freedom had existed only in society matricentric. The concept of 'freedom' appeared in human consciousness when it appeared the repression could not appear before, it is not possible, the concept of 'freedom' if there is no repression.

The concept of 'freedom' thus makes reference to the recovery of something lost, a life without Suppression of matricentric societies, whose memory was still present in the memory of the Sumerian civilization.

The existence of the Golden Age is mentioned not one, not two, but in many ancient literary works that speak of this era of mankind, and if not recognized academically because it is neither known nor for lack of evidence (10) . As we said in the first part of Rise Oedipus The assault Hade s also archeology (11) has unearthed thousands of Neolithic sites, which show clear evidence, both for its quantity by the evidence of their content, culture and art that some have called a celebration of life. (12), it actually recreated life showing the absence of relations of domination and wars among its inhabitants, a world inhabited by these authors say, not the homo sapiens, but homo ludens, as is the expression of well-being and bienaventauranza offering their art and architecture of their villages and towns.

Their culture expressed the wisdom of nature (especially the wisdom body), which is the wisdom of the self in life, and that is true wisdom to serve the welfare and wildlife conservation. The experience accumulated over a generation transmitting to the next orally. So wisdom is to culture, to cultivate the desire of being the group that was not 'prejudiced', 'troubled' or 'persecuted' by other interests other than the well-being, as at present, that all knowledge is censored, to that lies not unveiled, and polluted by the interest to make gains and build wealth. Wisdom was not in books but in human bodies, customs, art, in the same relations of brotherhood. With growing age the accumulated wisdom, the experience made and received from other persons, and therefore respected and revered the elderly. No, is not a proclamation to go back, but to fill books and media of the true wisdom of the self and human welfare.

As Antony Hopkins says in the movie Instinct , this is not a formal primitive, or return to the pre-industrial or pre-technological, or to destroy the cities be destroyed only one thing domination. Without a domain, the wisdom of the self would place the entire industry, all technology, all economic systems. For example, no relationship of authority and domination by medical professionals, the mutual desire between mother and child would be strictly respected, not violate the mark, and medicine and the technology would come in their proper place, as we see in documentaries Nils Bergman (13) in which shows how to supply oxygen to premature babies and serum lying cheek to cheek on the mother's bare torso. Nad it is not difficult or complicated, it is the simple sea.

Before anything else, domination is materially breach of the self life.

In pre-patriarchal times, aware of the ability of self and body wisdom, would have laughed if it had appeared an expert tell them to be taught to eat or sleep for a child or a woman to give birth.

is no doubt that medicine has discovered and launched some very important ways that can help save life and to freedom at any given time. But what happens is that on behalf of the eventual salvation, self-regulation is blocked and the wisdom body, mix which heals and saves us, making us sick and killing us, and often intervenes on behalf of the causing a disease prevention and that there was a risk, as is being recognized and with respect to motherhood and parenting. The failure of self-regulation of motherhood and childhood has been and remains the pillar of society of domination.

human creatures have an almost infinite desire to know and an ability to learn for themselves that would exceed the imagination of pedagogy @ l @ s, and the culture of domination can not accept, either in theory or in practice. That is why the creatures are systematically hostile environment to develop their qualities. As stated Liedloff (14) to begin lack confidence in the environment (emotional reciprocity) to move and improve their psychomotor apparatus through experience, without trust in the environment, the creature does not dare to experiment, or makes it much more slowly, in Instead, the creatures of the Amazon rainforest not retract their innate confidence because I never have lacked the maternal body, reach a soreprendente autonomy long before those of our Western society (15) .

Zerzan (16) also provides data in this regard and said that small 'Kung studied by Ainsworth (1967) showed a marked precocity in the development of the early cognitive and motor skills . He attributed the exercise and stimulation of a freedom of movement without restriction and the high degree of warmth and closeness between parents' and children Kung . (See also Konner 1976). Elaborating on this, adding that Zerzan feed children receive much more care, time and attention than the isolated nuclear families civilization. He also cites a surprising finding of Duffy (1984): all children of a camper Mbuti father called all men and all women mother . Also at Post and Taylor (1984) which described "almost permanent contact" with their mothers and other adults that Bushman children enjoy .

Physical security not achieved continuously monitor and inhibiting the action of the creature, but maintaining the respect, affection and trust reciprocity of the creature in the environment after birth. As I said Françoise Dolto (17) , the so-called natural overprotection leaves them vulnerable to the creatures because it prevents and slows learning. And we say 'bad llamada'sobreprotección because it protects itself is never wrong, nor can it be excessive it is bad when behind the protection that is in real domination and disrespect for self-development of the creatures. There is a direct relationship between the Palamós / repression that inhibits the action of the creature itself (Domination), and vulnerability:

Inhibition of the action ----> delay in learning --- -----> vulnerability

An equation that would be known in order to change the general attitude of all mothers and fathers control so literally suffocating his creatures, interfering with their own development, attitude, in part due to the unknown qualities of the human creature and its way of development, and therefore wrongly deployed the necessary legitimate desire to protect them.

Dolto reads: This side sleep imagination without power, the creativity that grows in the desert, and the whole problem is to prevent the choking adults.

The inhibition mechanism of action studied by French physician Henri Laborit (18) Michel Odent and collected in any of his texts (19) , explains what happens neurologically when aggression is impossible to respond either by fighting or by fleeing (Laborit) and no other alternative than submission and resignation .... (B)

People who have lived in peace with their sons and daughters, not the typical permanent war (war given by children is a popular term), they know from experience that the human creature is good, generous, detached, you want the happiness and welfare of their loved ones, which relies heavily on them until they are repeatedly betrayed the trust that originally she leaves us, that has an almost infinite desire learning knowledge and ready to deploy, and always carried a few or many media and freedom at its disposal, that want to develop your life and follow their impulses, take initiative and make decisions about things that the incumbent, which is capable Of all the complications and sacrifices for their elders and their brothers and sisters, that is complacent, which is full of love and libidinal energy, and rejects as much as mastering be mastered, because when a child grows their own initiative being respected, it is also respectful of dem @ s. The creature is not forced into the spiral of war of domination, then it is patient, understanding, respectful, imaginative, spontaneous, curious, witty, loves the truth and not lie, it sees no other way of relating that of transparency. And that is, until you lose confidence and with her innocence.

When we realize that it is not, then we started cornering qualities of our primary integrity that we are useless, and to provide resistance to what flows from within us, we shrug and we tightened. So we began to disconnect from our instincts to start building battleships and ego, identity, personality, according to the rules of the world (inhibition, mistrust, deception, blackmail, lying, hoarding, dominance, submission, competition) that are distinct from 'rules' of life in full primary (drive, desire, initiative, curiosity, confidence, cascading, indulgence, generosity, satisfaction, reciprocity, transparency). The little man learns from its environment autoinhibirse, lying, to submit and to master, and learns that lying, submission and domination are the way to survive. And when the human creature acquires the experience that lies, submission and domination is what works, leaving behind the 'golden age' of innocence and integrity of the human condition, learn that subject is annoyed, and that annoyed not have to annoy the neighbors, that is not to be dominated dominate ... ... (B)

From our current perspective absence welfare, welfare is a goal, as Jean Liedloff (14) , something to look. However, welfare is the primary and normal state of the creature, the feeling that accompanies self-regulation is therefore something that we lost and we must search for and retrieve. And this notion of something perdido'la found in the lost paradise of myths of origins. Wellness is normal mood of the human creature, to which add joy, joy, tenderness, passion and pleasure. The concept of 'felicidad'que have is a longing for that state and its consequences.

Our concept of a concept felicidad'es erratic, because it rests in the state of bliss of self-regulation of our genuine psychosomatic integrity, and leads us to be constantly in search state what we have neither. From the ego, happiness is a search erratic, wishful thinking, because the competition, hoarding, inhibition of action (submission), domination, that is what the ego is constituted, do not produce well, and in the search erratic, joy, joy, passion and pleasure are illusions that make their way to escape from reality (hence the success of drugs) or fade like ghosts, the closer we seem to them.

Mothers and fathers of our society think that the happiness of their children's social success depends on reaching, and so educate them to develop the 'intelligence fratricidal' learn to compete and win every potential competition. But the happiness of any human being does not depend on social success we achieve in this world, but the capaidad develop life to love her, that is, to live in an environment of reciprocity, in which the spill to work, and in which the hypercomplex set of systems that form the body can regulate itself, and this develop and flourish capacity to love is exactly what remains committed to the suppression of maternal desire, repression of infantile sexuality and education fratricidal ... (B)

(9) MURRAY BOOCHKIN, societé a refaire Joins , Atelier de Création Libertaire, Lyon

(10) According ANDRES ORTIZ OSÉS ( keys symbolic of our culture, Anthropos, Barcelona 1933) in the Homeric hymns, in the Orphic writings, in the last period of Aeschylus and Hesiod's work , there is sufficient material to understand the pre-patriarchal society, also in Metamorphoses Ovid , apart from references to the Golden Age, etc. of the classics of our Golden Age of ancient literature they read in the original versions in Greek or Latin, another source is the study of some contemporary peoples antrpológicos

(11) Eg see the work of archaeologists like Marija Gimbutas and James MELAART .
This theme is developed in Chapter 2 of The Assault on Hades.

(12) Jordi Pigem Pe, The Civilization of the Goddess: the religion of nature in ancient Europe, Integral Journal no. 1042. And NICHOLAS PLATON, Crete ed. Youth, 1974. See chap. 2, The Assault on Hades .

(13) Rediscover the way natural and Restoring the original paradigm , NILS & JILL BERGMAN production, 2001.

(14) Jean Liedloff, The Continuum concept, Ob Stare, 2003.

(15) Dr. Marcelle Geber in in 1958 did a study in Uganda of 308 creatures bred 'old-fashioned' ( suckled at its discretion, carried in constant proximity with the mother, sharing the same bed ) and compared creatures with a group of European ( fed by bottle, pushed in carts, away from their parents at night ... ). The conclusion was that African creatures developed their motor skills and intellectual to begin earlier during the first year (Quoted by Carlos Fresneda in emotional roots of intelligence, World 09/22/2003).

(16) JHON Zerzan, Future Primitive , Numa Ediciones, Valencia 2001. Pags 30-31. See Note 6 on page 18 of this book.

(17) FRANÇOISE DOLTO, La cause des enfants, Robert Laffont, coll. Le Livre de Poche, Paris 1985.

(18) Henri Laborit, L'inhibition de l'action , Masson 1980. See note (6) of the Introduction.

(19) Michel Odent, The end of the murder of Christ? View Note (4) of the Introduction
collectors, as cited by Zerzan (note 5 of the introduction) .. ______________________________________________________________


(A) Related article, highly recommended:
degeneration of the human race by the loss of their fundamental qualities Rodrigáñez by Casilda. (Nov. 2009)

(B) The integrity of the text " The qualities of the human creature " are on pages 27-51 of the book of Casilda Rodrigáñez "Sexuality and Domination operation "

The qualities of human being (half) ---------------------

Related articles:

Female Sexuality

"maternal instinct or desire?

Patriarchate Project

Alienation of affection

The paradigm of women

Impact of Mother-Baby Separation

matricide and therapeutic status

Manifesto for the recovery of motherhood

Thursday, November 26, 2009

How Do Doctors Determine Survival

The qualities of the human being (1 / 2)

"Pleasure is the wheel of life" Wilhelm Reich

The ideas that we

is well known that to create a structure first thing is to look well at the base, this should be solid, our modern society and ancient have been characterized by ignore in our species: the care of souls, then do exactly the opposite. problems of our society are the exact type of work treatment we inflicted on our fellow creatures

One of the ideas more repanda on the characteristics of human beings is that "we are evil by nature", this idea is hosted very heavily on the collective unconscious, perhaps supported by so many cultural and traditional institutions that strengthen this concept and also looking around or back century after century until the foundations of our civilization (A) , which demonstrates the human ia violenc therefore we as valid this belief of evil in human nature.


the idea that "it is necessary to correct or discipline" beaten, humiliated, on the idea the superiority of the strongest, that adults are "better" or "know more" than the creatures on the idea that parents are "owners" of their children, in the idea to decide the "best" for their children , they must "prepare for success" (B) are justified and abuse consciously or unconsciously to the beings that says "are what most want." Not realizing that all are victims to some extent, repeated the pattern, as it influences our behavior, our own psychological strengths and our philosophies of life, supported by the cultural pressure of the environment where we grow, to other, protected by the unconscious acceptance the bad of human nature and linked to ignorance about the qualities and the biological needs of the creatures.

Child Abuse

Just put the search "child abuse" in network, in several languages \u200b\u200bto realize that violence and mistreatment of the creatures is something abrumadory bleak at the global level. Reference 9 out of 10 children in America are abused physically, October 8 in Europe, in France 67% of men parents are in favor of corporal punishment, apply to other countries is possible that this figure is equal to or greater especially in Latin America by the prevailing machismo). here I dare to make that the emotional and psychological abuse is 100% at the global level, as even those who say "treated well" their children have no idea what the true biological and emotional needs creatures and even knowing and recognizing them, we need the c onstante daily struggle to avoid being crushed by our own psychological defense mechanisms they do repeat the wrong patterns of abuse that we inflict even when we were creatures, for "all" have these mechanisms as we were socialized in this culture repressor of the vital functions of the human being .

The fact hit or mistreat creatures to "correct" only shows that a conflict is resolved by violence and that can hit harder the weakest , well after so much abuse learn to develop their indifference it does not matter what you do know that soon they will fall another beating. Examples of abuse overflow, some have even become part of some cultures supported by traditional philosophies of life (C) .

are many causes of mistreatment of the creatures, but mostly this is given by the ignorance of parents or adults, in addition to this physical, psychological and emotional occurs in all cultures and all walks of set by the monetary economic system.

One way very repanda abuse is unconscious psychological, emotional , precisely because of our ignorance of what are the real biological and emotional needs of our creatures , Nils Bergman in the documentary Restoring the Original Paradigm scientifically proven and newborn the "separable from the mother and the level of cortisol in the brain rises very unusual, the mothers come near to this level falls and heart rate, imagine what happens with this These heart rate and cortisol levels when the separation time of the creatures from their mothers is extended eg when they have to be in daycare , while their mothers work, it is necessary to emphasize that the brain is forming small and that these high levels of cortisol such as hippocampal damage memory manager (D) .

The child at birth in a delivery suffers a violent collision at psychosomatic (physical and mental) , happening of the state of tranquility, peace in the womb to an entirely different, then is separated from the mother and suffers separation from his symbiote with high levels of cortisol acting in his little developing brain, then instead of feeling the warm breast feels cold and strange piece of plastic that serves to feed and comfort him, passes time and as if their suffering was not enough, instead of being transported attached to the maternal body, listen to your heartbeat and feel the body that gives warmth and security, is transported in a stroller cold (bad thing for not knowing the benefits of holding the baby ), which only soothes the needs of the adult and the child no , the abuse continues, during the endless hours night or day, should stay away from his mother in a cot or bed cold it away from what most want and need, the mother's body warm, these beats that you can rely on are not, in exchange mother receives a doll for comfort as well as a plastic pacifier must stand and use every means that nature gave him to say he is in danger that something is wrong, their cries, and cries , but it seems not your armor (or uninformed) mother having a comfortable place to sleep alone or with someone, you may get it too but not listen to what their desires dictate which is the stand beside her child . Time passes and the pain continues or worsens, it is now abandoned, is what he feels, in an institution that addresses the need adult: the day care or nursery school (now poorly justified by many arguing that it is to "socialize "as if the man suffered from the innate quality) there is in the care of strangers where other creatures scream and cry also his eyes sad, desperate and bloodshot eyes, s uplicando not abandoned there, they pass these three stages: Protest, despair and indifference , eventually submitted and are put in survival mode, and develop the opposite of trust, l to distrust and indifference , as beings who are supposed to love them are those who leave, only an hour is an eternity for a child away from his mother .

As if that were not enough all these sufferings are added the abuse of food, cleanliness, clutter, and schedules for all-desiquilibrando her biological clock- by punishments, etc.

is a sad reality that society is structured according to the needs of adults and not according to the vital needs of creatures, called the development and growth of women is on par with neglect and abuse of the biological needs of the creatures, as no growth can justify a particular social and technological development and the Needy trampling vital primary basic structure: the symbiotic mother-child .

Many great men and women have worked on this issue of the basic structure of our society, some still do, I will cite a few: Wilhelm Reich, Françoise Dolto, Alice Miller, Casilda Rodrigáñez, Michel Odent, James Prescott, Elliott Barker, Jane Hunt and others no less important, committed to defending the human creature.

Here I highlight the work of this great Canadian psychoanalyst Elliott Barker who published the course " The Art of Parenting "youth-oriented parents, is free on the net, after reading make you feel uncomfortable more than one parent.

I would also highlight the works of Casilda Rodrigáñez, especially The Suppression of maternal desire and the genesis of the unconscious state of submission "work that will shake more than one, will feeling miserable and / or revolutionary, compulsory work for all mothers who wish to approach the real mother , a work which he describes clearly what the " revolution" of mothers .

The qualities of the human creature

For Casilda Rodrigáñez

Excerpt from " Sexuality and performance of dominance "

Stettbach Konrad (1) ensures that the human creature to be born just want to love and be loved. The child is born confident, is one of its original qualities: absolute confidence for living dissolved in the environment, floating in the mother and letting habitat pour from every pore. This is the basic desire genuine human primary before losing the innocence and initiate social distortion, the vital desire to live under all the armor, on the whole armor psychosomatic. What we know and what perceive when we leave on the outside and inside, when we crossed the entire personality (ego) that we built and we reached the bottom, to psychosomatic origin of our being, our pulses alive, says Gabriela Mistral.

human creatures in our primary integrity, do not know the strength or containment of our drives . We only know the state of floating in the uterine matrix, the state of relaxation and absolute trust in the environment, a neuromuscular relaxation is correlated to mood of confidence. Stettbach also states that still retain the body wisdom that considers everything looks good and gives us pleasure and comfort, he considers bad and try to avoid everything that causes damage, inconvenience and discomfort. This means that we still have knowledge subsequently banned, and internal transparency largely lose, to know what is good and what is bad. What Kropotkin ( 2) called general route of the organic world : seek pleasure and avoid pain, body guided by our instincts.

The Taboo Sex, by prohibiting the spontaneous expression of our impulses, removes this 'guide', and so are the standards, methods, laws, prepared artificially by the various institutions and authorities which are tactically in our guides.

The question of the innate goodness of human creatures has been the subject of universal controversy, controversy that Freud, not face the social order of our civilization, it leads to far as to say the existence of innate thanatos qualify as human creatures polymorphic perverse. If we are bad, either which is our original sin, repression is justified, but if we are good, then ill be that we repress. Therefore, at the end of every speech, we find this same controversy.

The innate thanatos, karma, original sin,,,, are, in short, speeches blaming the victim, who is the most universal feature of the relations of domination . Our flesh is pulsatile, and therefore evil, and are guilty of being made of this organic matter, so we have to practice the sublime, self-control and education Non-emotional develop our capacity for orgasm.

Women who have given birth to a minimum internal connection with our bodily instincts, we know that the creatures at birth are good, appealing to all the good in us and in us. No speech or argument to this deep certainty. The desire to mother have a wisdom deeply subversive and revolutionary organic, which reveals all the lies and cultural artifacts set for it.

One of the original sins more classical atriuidos the human creature is that we are selfish, we are born selfish, our libido is selfish (narcissistic say), even our genes are selfish, in short, that the ego-ism is our innate quality. And this innate selfishness would follow the innate desire to hoard and to make boots by fratricidal strife. War has always been telling us (lie) is in the nature of man because man is a wolf to man, etc, etc. and therefore the law must contain the evil mediate innate and keep us eat each other.

bioanthropological 's work traces the origins Maximo Sandin This creeencia popular. In his book Thinking evolution life thinking, scientific and historically well documented, explained and from the nineteenth century biology has built biased to set the selfishness and competition as the supreme law of nature (3)

For his part, after ciencuenta years working in the field of psychoanalysis, Balint Michel (4) ensures that human beings are not born selfish, but deeply in love and loving. He says the two primary love is the universal trait of human beings at birth, shattering the Freudian theories of narcissism or primary selfishness. According to this author born with a load of very strong libido, in a state of interdependence libidinal itself a kind of love específcio, symbiotic love. This intense love is also, in addition to the empirical testing of many mothers, a physiological hormonal testing, among many other (5)

symbiotic creature during exterogestación (6) living under maternal desire, holding the state of primary innocence, trust in the environment, relaxed living, do not retain their impulses, and abandons them: and all her small body live in a state of bliss.

The confidence in the environment is necessary for relaxation and to abandon the desire, this trust is maintained while the child does not have a repeated experience of separation from the mother and emotional abandonment. Confidence in the environment is a requirement of being and is an innate quality of human being itself the state of original innocence and integrity.

This is a very important point where they kill the qualities of the human creature, because when he loses confidence in the environment, they begin to contain their impulses, to retract and shrink, producing tension and stiffness, beginning to lose transparency, internal flow and spillage.

Trust presupposes reciprocity . If the desire to love and be loved is the quality of human social relations. One of the things that surprised Colo Bartolomé de las Casas and the customs of the Araucanian people of the Caribbean, was the hospitality lavished on them and reciprocity expected of them indigenous. Here no one gives anything or expecting anything. They gave it everything and expect to receive everything. The outpouring of libido involves trust and reciprocity . This proves that the pre-Columbian Caribbean population was socialized as innate human qualities.

Another thing that surprised them was the innocence and naivete they found in those nations. From their point of view and children's features were a bit silly people. This also happens to good people is considered dumb people because he has not learned to let go of their own innate qualities, and take up arms competition and fratricide. A good people is called 'stupid' because they have 'intelligence' fratricide. Bachofen (7) also stresses the hospitality as one of the basic features of matristic (8) .

Between trust and reciprocity are the outpouring and the gratitude. Derramamaiento produces confidence, shedding received produces a deep and sincere feeling of gratitude and recognition of the love of otr @, which quickly turns into shedding their own, and it works reciprocity. The deep and sincere gratitude is a feeling that emerges viscerally as pleasure, resulting in the actual physical wellbeing while fraternal relationships in social regulation.

reciprocity presupposes confidence because if it stops working reciprocity, trust retracts, began to cut and change the 'chip' (in fact, as we shall see, we change the neurological program that regulates our basic metabolism), that is, let's change the attitude of giving spill and the environment spontaneously, for a given withdrawal or shrinkage, and an attitude of alertness and tension.

This is how you will install the double resistance: resistance to the inside (what you want out) and to the outside (which hurts us.) So we have two ways to live: on the one hand, a way to survive in the withdrawal and the shrinkage of the inborn qualities and, secondly, a way of life of leakage, expansion and harmonious integration in the environment. E Chapter 3 of this book, see the neurological programs that regulate the ways of living or surviving, and psychosomatic change involves changing from one to another, and in particular the formation of the shells.


(A) The foundations of civilization is the story they tell us they do not include that part of history matristic , Eden, or the golden age, where there was no violence and the nucleus of society was not the triangle as is familiar today, but the duo the symbiotic mother-child couples .

(B) recommend watching this documentary Olympic dreams, to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bsuccess that our culture produces.

(C) Michel Odent says that the Spartans to have strong children and "warriors" needed tossing the newborn babies, the survivors were good warriors. Another example is heartbreaking to see this predatory practice circumcision, still persists in societies such "civilized." I recommend not see the video circumcision if it is a sensitive person. To this the wise philosophies Reich called killer.

(D) To hear more on how the brain is damaged creatures recommend reading this chapter Brain during The Art of Parenting and see this documentary The baby's brain.

------------------------------------ -------------------------------------

(1) KONRAD Stettbach. Pourquoi la souffrance?, Aubier, Paris 1991

(2) Peter Kropotkin, Anarchism , his philosophy, his ideal in Brochures revolutionary II, Tusquets, Barcelona 1977.

(3) The construction of the biology in the twentieth century begins with the creation of the myth of Darwin, which is established in the collective imagination as the creator of the theory of evolution that liberated humanity of the biblical explanation of the origin of man and natural diversity. In reality, the evolution took more than half a century discussed by the scientific community when Darwin published his ideas, which are nothing more than the English translation of economic liberalism in the interpretation of the natural world, and still skewing contin''uan the practice of routine biological research. The so-called "Synthetic Theory" neo-Darwinian (generated in the 30 and 40) still remains as the official explanation of the mechanism of evolution of species, although experimental data accumulated in recent decades of research in many fields of biology has been left completely outdated. MAXIMUM

Sandin, Thinking Evolution life thinking, Crimentales editions, Murcia, 2006.

(4) MICHEL BALINT, the basic fault, Polity Press, Barcelona 1993. The 1st publication, London and New York 1979.

(5) Michel Odent, The baby is a mammal , Mandal, Madrid 1990; The Love scientification , p. 12, Ed.Creavida Argentina 1999. Moreover, in 1992 published a book of 500 pages collecting various studies on the hormone oxytocin PEDERCEN CA ET AL ' Oxytocin in maternal, sexual and social Behaviours , Annals of New York Academy of Sciences, 1992, 6527. NEWTON NILES summed it up by saying that oxytocin is the 'love hormone', and since then so it is known.

(6) The concept of external pregnancy refers to the first year after birth than the human species is biologically a gestation period, as the human baby is born before time.

(7) John Jacob Bachofen (1861) Mythology Archaic Mother yDerecho , Anthropos, Barcelona 1988.

(8) The concept of 'matrística'ha been generally accepted since it was proposed by Ernest Borneman ( Le patriarcat , PUF, Paris 1975), to refer to human civilizations pre-patriarchal, cutting through the controversial issue of various translations, as misleading as "matriarcado'o 'realm of mothers." and other interpretacions of Bachofen's Das Mutterrecht . For my part, I think it is paropiado simply call 'maternal societies', a concept close to everyone.

qualities humans (2 / 2) --------------------------------------


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Female Sexuality

"maternal instinct or desire?

Patriarchate Project

Alienation of affection

The paradigm of women

Impact of Mother-Baby Separation

matricide and therapeutic status

Manifesto recovery Maternity

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gumball Helmets Blank


This issue is very clear to me when I read the second time the book The Suppression of maternal desire and the genesis of the unconscious state of submission "Rodrigáñez Casilda.

When I started this blog I published an article in relation to the "maternal instinct" THERE , today I reaffirm and expand the topic because it has a crucial, but correct the term "using the right language- it is not 'instinct' but 'DESIRE' on our part properly to human mothers, then MATERNAL DESIRE THERE.


an explanation of Casilda Rodrigáñez (1) :

" I will make also a small section on the concept of 'instinct', because sometimes I have wondered what the difference between 'instinct' (eg maternal instinct) and 'desire'. I think the answer is simple: the 'instinct' is part of wisdom Organic animal world is a broad concept that encompasses many impulses related to survival, nutrition and reproduction. Human beings are also animals, a very specific, despite the redundancy, but a species of animal world, and as such can in CIRSE with all property that we 'instincts'.

With the 'desire' instead we refer specifically to the sexual drive of human beings. It is the vital human instinct, the desire for pleasure and to please (pleasure) that stems from the body with a self-regulatory function. Is the drive to develop orgasmic capacity and our love, our sexuality that is specific and is much more developed than in any other animal.

But the desire has been deleted from the scientific conceptual baggage, and as medicine in general deals with motherhood consider them part of human sexuality, when a pediatrician or a desire to encounter the maternal and recognizes that it is an organic instinct, call it "instinct", because it is the closest word that has, since the concept of emotion, as it is now detached from the libido, it is most inappropriate. "

regard to the existence of maternal desire, I find the same author also another explanation which fully developed share (2) . It is also interesting to note the warning which it relates to the EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE , a term widely used today is not really anything but the emotional behavior to fight our own body wisdom :


For Casilda Rodrigáñez

About the idea to 'raise the heart', I thought no, it is not worth the argument that things must be said slowly.

maternal desire is a sexual drive, and there is, nevertheless, in our battleships and disconnected bodies, but only can, but just melt and pierce our armor, and you barely get to the neocortex. Repressed, inhibited and maligned, yet, is the hope of humanity .

As Michel Odent said in a recent interview, the question is not what happens to this or that particular child; the question is whether humanity can survive if they become unnecessary hormones love ... what degree of automation of the bodies can withstand our kind and what degree of automation achieve if castrates its basic thrust.

maternal desire is the sexual drive that guides and governs motherhood. This is the truth of motherhood is not known or is not said . After three generations of hospital births and artificial feeding, the consequences are so disastrous in terms of mental illness and psychological (depression, suicide), and in terms of child and social violence, and are so obvious that people start to become questions, seek explanations and relate things. And what you see if you encounter the truth! Especially since there are many things that are 'singing', such as neurology and neonatal clinical practice, and are confirming what we already knew from other fields of science (History, archeology, anthropology, sociology, sexology, etc.).

The impulse of desire in general, is an experience that still many humans have known and know it exists. And also the maternal desire is an experience we have lived many, perhaps, I hope, enough women.

This experience provides the knowledge that lovemaking techniques are secondary issues, and essence of sexuality and human orgastic capacity, is the desire . Referring to sexual intercourse, which is the best known, I think everyone knows that you can practice the 400 positions of the kamasutra, and not even graze the experience of a spontaneous relationship driven by desire. The positions themselves do not we melt inside or produce flows. Just do as far as they help to induction or production of desire. The desire for himself, before leading us to any position, only to arise, we melts and liquefies us.

The sense of smell, so important in the induction of desire (remember the famous story Napoleon and Josephine), guides the movements of newborn babies to carry the mother's nipple . Just the standard refrain from violation of their bodies that is practiced in hospitals, and respect their impulses. Bergman says that explain and make the mother or nurse put the baby in the proper position to begin nursing, it is worse ( Restoring the original paradigm) (3) .

The tecnosexología who once denounced and Merelo-Barbera, now applies to motherhood, without even talking about maternal sexuality. So the positions are recommended to breastfeed, skin to skin contact, non-physical separation ... patterns that surely needed in our world of medicalized motherhood, but when proposing without saying essentially, desire, still leaving the field for the automation of motherhood . Inhibited

the drive of desire, then it is only 'educate' and conveniently drive the behaviors, attitudes, feelings and emotions. In my last book I tried to explain emotional behaviorism is practiced today, as an alternative to anxiety producing emotions uprooted from the drives, and to fit in our cultural habits and social .

treaties in neurology ( Kahle, University of Frankfurt) explains that emotions and feelings are produced to help guide and implement the development of drives. The instincts of alert situations and defense, such as anger, rage, anger, etc., In fact we know and name through the accompanying feelings, but also know other aspects of its physiology, such as increased rate and blood pressure, sweating, muscle tension, goose bumps, hair standing on end, knot in the stomach, adrenaline and cortisol, etc. The sexual instincts of the normal state of relaxation, also present with loving feelings and emotions. All the feelings and emotions are part of the drives that animate the body, and to keep alive. But our society relations of domination is not about keeping the bodies in their full vitality, but on the contrary .

Educating the emotions, if not because it is actually a perverse political strategy, it would be something so ridiculous as to raise red blood cells or any cell of our body or . There is no emotion to educate: they know more than any psychologist l @ s @ s @ s of the world combined, and are also for us, for our self and our welfare . emotional education covers a strategy of regulation and 'normalization' of behaviors, and builds, obviously, a big lie on the human body, is the psychology of the bodies that automatically inhibit their impulses, the psychology of cutting and Body decomposition in the service of political domination and submission invisible unconscious.

Today, the sex drive has disappeared from our conceptual world. If the sins of the flesh has gone nowhere. How are we to understand the emotions that poor little orphaned and destitute of the body that has produced! How not to become anxious about such a calamity! feelings and emotions that roam erratic in our bodies, disturbs us because we can not understand, we can not understand what happens to us, and we can not remedy what upsets us because we can not identify . Then come and tell us we are emotional illiterates and we must educate ourselves emotionally, and we believe it . This new psychology of emotional behavior even sometimes comes under the heading of 'bioenergy', a concept invented by Reich to refer to sexual energy as energy of life ( sexual production is vital produ ction per se. Reich, The Function of the Orgasm ), and that detracts now to become the opposite, theoretical denial of the sexual production: the psychology of the bodies libido.

Emotions are wise, as wise as the drives that keep our metabolic rate during sleep. Human bodies are not illiterate, are wise . @ S when we are connected to our instincts, our emotions and feelings also are transparent, and perceive their origin and function wise for our welfare and our self. And when emotions and feelings are clear, we can not be deceived or unconsciously submit. And, when uninhibited desire, recover the original harmony between the impulses and emotions, an important aspect of the synergistic union of all our body systems, and then it recovers all its splendor, its internal transparency and capacity force. I found references anthropological At least three people whose women could decide when they got pregnant without drugs or condoms.

timely repression of drives is not enough to make us lose the wisdom body. If the neocortex works in harmony and in favor of the limbic brain, following the occasional mishaps autoregulation recovers. So fool the neocortex is necessary to act as an inhibitor of the limbic brain, and so we have to know that the desire is there, that the sex drive is what triggers the development of our capacity orgastic and part of our physiological regulation; and especially, that guides and regulates motherhood. In the era of domination invisible, and can not directly prohibit the 'sins of the flesh' that explicitly recognizes the physical drive.

But ultimately this is very new. What is new is their appearance 'scientific' and their degree of sophistication to adapt to a society that, as predicted by the authors of the science-fiction novel, requires that people do not realize that he is being controlled and used . When I was young, it now call 'emotional literacy', is called sublimation of desire and libido . Love, but said they left the soul and not of the body, placed it in his heart. The heart beats to pump blood and is not an erogenous body, and so perhaps is a good place to relocate imaginary feelings of love once disconnected from the drives. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You "was our mantra recited while our instincts sublimábamos adolescents or the" Sacred Heart of Mary, be my salvation. ".

I love painting with its rays, it copied from pre-patriarchal societies, who painted uterus and breasts, their beats and expansive movements of the waves of pleasure. A picture is worth a thousand words, says the proverb, and a little incense and Gregorian chant, you can reach the most exquisite mystical sublimation. And if anything, the heart surrounded by a crown of thorns, joining the sublimated love and suffering.

True love does not have an epicenter in the heart, but down in the belly, where comes the desire, drive sexual. And it expands in a vertical line up, but throughout the body, like the tentacles of the octopus that surround and embrace the bellies of the pre-patriarchal pitchers.

maternal desire is the sexual instinct that guides and governs motherhood. This is the truth of motherhood is not known or is not said . The responsibility of those who know and do not say it is great because, well know, the matricide is in fact a genocide. And it's no metaphor. responsibility is as great as that of those who knew the Nazi concentration camps were death camps, and did not say .

I recently read online that he was experimenting with guinea pigs the application of artificial hormones and other substances to inhibit all or part of the imprint. Before asking the question of whether it would be only for applications in animal husbandry, every cell of my body shrank scare me, as the division of the nuclei or genetic engineering: who, what criteria, and to what point can control the application of these technologies? All this is what in a moment 'thought' cell of my body, and of course my neurons. course we're not in the time that was put bromide in the food of the prisoners or convents to inhibit the sexual appetite, now things are more sophisticated. And yes, regardless of intention, years we have been using artificial hormones in other stages of the sexual life of women, such as contraception, childbirth or menopause, at doses as calibrated and as varied as vaginal suppositories or patches, also could get to apply for the desire of mothers in breastfeeding, in addition to the tecnosexología and emotional behavior .

artificial hormones can not replace natural hormones. Natural hormones are not just a chemical: the impulses occur at a time and under certain circumstances, with a specific rhythm and cadence in interaction and in unison with other multiple and complex processes that span the entire body . Hormone pulsatility is a concept that is already in clinical trials, and there are for example, show that the effectiveness of reflex milk ejection depends on the pulsatility of oxytocin . And we also know the different action of synthetic oxytocin, vaginal or intravenous-, and oxytocin secreted naturally at birth.

The control of human sexuality has always been directly related to the need for a particular robots and handling s body. Female sexuality is a latent threat , is an ancient knowledge, even though today is veiled, it orgastic capacity of women is incompatible with the exclusive monogamous, and birth and breastfeed with and part pleasure phylogenetic qualities of our bodies . In any case, is extremely important and urgent to end the lie that affects body maternity , Know and say that maternal desire exists and what exists .



(1) From "Sexuality and Operation of Domination" by Casilda Rodrigáñez

(2) blog article in the Octopus and Jellyfish

(3) Restoring the Original Paradigm Nils Bergman

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