taken from: Trabajadoresdelaluz.blogspot.com
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Post: maestrosyguiasdelaluz.blogspot.com
Most interesting theory about the oil and extraterrestrial life, by an anonymous author.
Lest anyone be surprised at what counts and not have to go about doing further clarification I will tell the whole story, which is very different from what they tell you, cover your ears children and do not tell this to the priests, is likely to hear much about it in a few years, they'll tell you this is a breakthrough for you to go by an idea.
hydrocarbons such as methane (natural gas) and oil are not the product of living organisms, on the contrary, the first organisms thrived on oil and methane, are the original life energy, a cosmological origin, the universe is full of oil, methane and other hydrocarbons everywhere. Remember the news last week that said he had discovered a huge cloud of methanol in space?, It is obvious that methanol does not come from the fermentation of wood.
Earth like many other planets is full of oil and methane, when it formed and was with them, is deep and their number is immense, if we could access it does not drain; we would have been extinct long before exhausted, but came to Earth not only hydrocarbons, also came to life included as gift it did not originate here, its origin is prior to our planet and therefore alien, so life is not only present on Earth but that pervades the universe, just coming into chunks that formed our planet would be included in many other pieces scattered throughout the universe. Over 1000 million years the bacteria remained in the deep feeding oil a huge population, life on the surface is the exception, the mass of all organisms that live on the surface is very small compared to the mass of the population living inside, Gold titled his book "The Deep Hot Biosphere and "much greater than Gaia, but life for about 3500 million years came to the surface and found a new source of energy, the sun, and then the first eukaryotes had emerged within the first bacteria came up and cyanobacteria are adapted and began to shit oxygen, which was a disaster for the earlier arrivals, the largest environmental disaster in the history of the planet, much larger than dinosaurs because oxygen was a poison to them, used to living without oxygen in the depths, others learned to harness the energy of the sun, the ancestors of the plastids of plants, and other learned to utilize the oxygen they had defecated cyanobacteria, the ancestors of mitochondria that we carry in our cells. Yes, life comes from below, deep, down, Below, as the song says, we come from bacteria, the nuclear part of our cells are bacteria evolved a cell fusion agile movements, spirochete, a resistant heat and acid archaebacterium to cosntituir the first eukaryotic (nucleated cells) who subsequently joined other bacteria, mitochondria, a process known as symbiogenesis, we are symbiotic organisms still retain a visible legacy of those bacteria, sperm tails and cilia of the fallopian tubes of women come from spirochetes old (this is not contribution of Lynn Margulis Gold but the responsibility of from 80 studies in college at the mitochondria due to the theory that it became known in the 70's and now strikes again telling us that we still have more bacteria.) When emerged eukaryotes (plants, animals, fungi and protists) came death, the batteries do not die, they can destroy but not to kill, they are immortal, death is a meaningless concept for prokaryotes, who knows how some bacteria take down there ... The extremophiles have been very popular after the publication of the book Gold in 1999 and have been found everywhere, are organisms that live in extreme environments, something that inspired Gold in the second part of abiogenic oil theory , which refers to the life that feeds it (remember when Mendeleyev said that life had something added to oil), was the existence of the monstrous fish that live in the deep sea ecosystem base there is plants (The marine version, phytoplankton) because there is less light, all life is sustained by bacteria that feed on sulfur emissions from inside the earth, also there is probably life in lakes and rivers beneath ice of Antarctica will be held in extremophiles although these and the strange and ancient beings who hold not been accessed yet, but in recent years have found bacteria in the most extreme that we can access, the difficulty is find a place where there is no life. Oil is down there feeding the vast world of bacteria and whenever possible amounts to feed us, to facilitate our lives and give us the comfort we enjoy, we, the surface that we owe it all to the sun, we returned to our origins, to the power source of our ancestors, the energy that has powered life in the Universe forever. Sometimes it is accompanied in his ascent of methane and always or almost always Helio, a completely foreign element to life and is further evidence that oil was not caused by life, sometimes it solidifies and gives rise to carbon , the first dinosaurs were found in coal mines in Alsace, including human skulls have been found amongst the coal, oil proof that is rising steadily. A consequence of all this is that extraterrestrial life exists, indeed, life must be everywhere, many worlds like ours are out there as Giordano Bruno said, it is not necessary to ask again, are no longer suspect, who is convinced there long that there is life on Mars and decided to hide it, just as it has tried to hide the abiogenic theory because the idea of \u200b\u200ba little oil was better to maintain a high price, has concealed the existence of life on Mars, just months before Apollo project that put an Man in the Moon another NASA project with the first means of spectroscopic analysis of light showed the existence of a material atomic weight 16 in Mars, and no, not oxygen, was methane, CH4, 12 +4 * 1 = 16, was 1969 and did not know the theory of Gold because it is not formulated until 1986, with the knowledge of the time this amount of methane on Mars could only come from processes associated with life, thought there was life on Mars, and decided that the world should not hear, but NASA was not the usual, then the theory of Gold again leave unknown in the existence of life on Mars, the better, so we should not fool anyone, must have thought, but in 1992 Gold completes his theory, now life is fed by oil and life came to him, then he must also go with him to many other parts of outer space, 4 or 5 years ago the probe carrying the equipment needed to differentiate whether the Martian methane was biogenic or abiogenic, measuring the carbon isotope ratio of 13, got lost, sorry, finally We could have taken out of doubt, that was not lost was the one that was like a miniature terrain that landed on an inflatable ball and gave us beautiful pictures we saw on TV, the Mars Express, but finally in 2004 we left in doubt , that detects the presence of formaldehyde with a lifetime of minutes on Mars, confirming the suspicion that in the past there was life, a life that had arrived at least until a few minutes before the collection of such data, the near past. The title of a conference would be held in Ischia, off the Bay of Naples in September 2004, the project manager for the Cassini Huygens probe that was suspect, which could claim may go down in history as the man who brought the biggest story of all time, the conference title was changed at the last moment and its content was politically correct, as always, this time in its European version, returned to action as in 1969 and this time without mistakes, there is life on Mars, but the masses must never find out, it is better to continue with the perennial question of if there is extraterrestrial life, 'Are we alone in the University and where to go and where we come from, religion is losing but we should not advance its purpose, a population that creates or at least certainly more manageable than a people who know, who knows that our planet was not the elgido, but one again that our species was not chosen, but one among the many that populate the universe, are no longer the center of the world in the image of Dçios, and if it was bad to come from mono, worse is to come from bacteria. Then in 2005 we saw the sudden and frantic series of announcements of projects to go to Mars, the Americans announced that revived the project of a manned mission the red planet, the Russians are not satisfied with one and finally to the Chinese say that they too will go, then in 2006 the Americans say they want to return to the moon, now is not clear that the moon has no life when were they forgot to look under.
I invite you to visit my page: http://armonicosdeconciencia. Blogspot.com
Well would seek the answer to the question: Where does oil ?
Although the text you just read may seem a little strange ... I posted because I reckoned it resonates with our older brothers on Satie.
If you read the books of Being You know what I mean right?.
Light Bear
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