There is nothing hidden that will not be shown
Dear friend @ s @ s, with regard to the issue now of concern to public opinion in our country regarding the "Father" Karadima and the Catholic world, this wonderful text quote Jesus about these times we live: "There is nothing hidden that will not become evident nor secret that will not be known and come to light. " With this teaching Jesus relieved the suffering of his followers heart crying out for justice on earth against those who hypocritically hiding behind investiture of exerting power and holiness evil. However, Jesus was not the justice that everyone expected, at least not as our human mind would, he was above good and evil, a condition in which they arrive all the great mystics and enlightened sages who fail to exercise the trial on men as they become aware of an ultimate truth that works in a temporality different from our emergency room and desire for vengeance, a truth that has to do with this profound teaching that goes beyond even our life on earth.
Jesus knew the time would come when the light fill the darkest corners and people would be able to purify their lives by addressing their fears and weaknesses, which today supports science when he explains that the change in the magnetism of the earth affects our consciousness, which translates as an ability to understand life in a more flexible and open, and that is also reflected in many rigid belief systems are collapsing and now leading to a vision of life and spirituality in a more comprehensive and free.
Jesus was aware of the laws of the universe, he knew that our time on earth, as we the exercise of learning to manage our freedom, we leave footprints and fruits, he was fully aware of the universal principle of "Cause and Effect" which became known as "law of sowing and reaping" ... that makes more sense to us today that never be visible to a silence that is now shaking the carpet of many churches and bring to light the false prophets, as described by Jesus himself 2000 years ago: "Beware of false prophets, who come to you with costumes sheep, but inwardly are ravening wolves. By their fruits ye shall know them. "
However, the purpose of my posting is not is to throw more land and dancing on the carpet, but will use this stage to unveil the wolf inside each of us, because the real challenge in life is that everyone can come out of darkness to express perfect nature of God within us. When I say Wolf is because duality is part of our human nature and we must fill it with knowledge (consciousness) on this journey of learning about life as we know, and nobody is safe from this event from a deep fear, loneliness, abuse, jealousy, resentment, etc ... at some point it makes us "victims or perpetrators" to a greater or lesser extent either the protagonists or accessories human error, unless we work hard on ourselves to master this beast.
Pointing the finger to the wolf when he has found out, being spectators of all this, has no courage and generates no benefit to anyone. Only you believe the illusion that justice has been done and breathe satisfaction with something that has not intervened. The real courage in this case is that of the victims involved are defeating themselves, dominating the interior Lobo abuse and callus was left for years for fear they'll say, taking a giant step in the acquisition of consciousness. Like them you also have the opportunity to do an internal review and participate in these events provided and the correct way to do this without polarizarte, pouring love and compassion for those involved in this case and doing a review of your own shadows, because if there is a defect that creates true suffering in life is "white lie", the concealment of truth in the excuse of not hurting someone when in fact you do is damage on a large scale, because the lies or omissions, however small they pollute the environment and distorting the reality we live and that life cycles of systems created around them. The truth even if it hurts, but let us always look bad creative, healing and generating growth. James Hamilton thought for years that if telling the truth would be socially condemned and finally discovers the truth puts him in a different culture, today thanked him for his courage, he is respected and valued. Many have a James Hamilton in, not necessarily with connotations of sexual abuse, lies and omissions are of all types and all harmful. Many should face themselves and bring to light what has worried for years. Now is the time to do so, the change in the magnetism of the earth that holds the consciousness that is enabling, that is why Jesus said that these days the hidden would be revealed, because there is a time for everything and now is the time for purified.
Dear friend s @ s, the magnetic forces that bring to light the negative and dirty also are pulling your consciousness to take a position and from the trenches shoot your opponents trials sowing discord and confusion around you, looking for accomplices to endorse your own fears and prejudices and probably end up sneaking a more transcendent truth that is about to tell you the revealed. Dear @ s, if there is someone against whom you're shooting your poisonous dart must realize you ARE in a trench and you acknowledge that you polarizes is an old wound, a biased belief system or some revenge, and if these polarized I 're missing the big picture of life, one that is observed from the point of balance, right in the middle of the battlefield without fear of being hurt by bullets and arrows that cross from one side.
For years it has been thought and taught that life must take a stand, to be polarized in some way and take a stand to be consistent with the principles and I would say that is only partly Indeed, since the dynamics of evolution and learning work from there, but you should also consider the possibility of participating in events in a different way, without firing darts at the same time without losing your identity and values \u200b\u200bis just the place where Jesus acted and from which emanated his teachings.
@ If you feel assaulted by the statements of Hamilton and looking for excuses to justify or cover up Karadima you should check your interior and you see what's around that or belief system you refuse to change. If you're disappointed in the church do not blame her and that there are many good people who helped, guided and healed millions of people under his wing, understands that it is wrong people within a system and most importantly not deny the teachings of Jesus, if you fit, you can find it without intermediaries and that his word and teachings predate the organizations made on his behalf. If you're pointing your darts to a social class, check your grievances, there is something good that you can draw from this.
Filled with love for the human learning process, bless the victims and ask the Father to forgive the perpetrators, because believe it or not ... no matter how aware they are from the human point of view ... from the divine viewpoint, just as Jesus said of his murderers ... "do not know what they do."
Congratulations to those who pass through the battlefield without fear or judgments .... Ojo! ... The skies are open for all but the ladder is right in the middle.
Alvaro Scaramella
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