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Although children from 1 to 3 years are too young to understand many of the abstract concepts that accompany spiritual life, are developing other skills that will help them on the path to spirituality, curiosity about the world, the ability to believe in things that you can see and tend to live almost entirely in the present moment.
Spirituality helps children are happier, say the results of a study of more than 760 children from religious and public schools. The reason: spirituality, regarded as an internal system of beliefs, gives the feeling of living with a sense, encourages hope, reinforces positive social norms, and provides a support network, all elements that enhance personal wellbeing. These results suggest the need for strategies to provide children a spiritual education, to inculcate attitudes towards others as kindness or altruism. For, ultimately, happy people are more tolerant, creative and productive, according to scientists.
Although our children are a bit young for serious spiritual teachings, we can begin to foster their spiritual side in many ways. At this point we encourage you to be kind to others, or mention our belief when we answer your cosmic questions.
No matter how small they are, the steps we take now will help lay the foundation that will support you during difficult times in your life later. "Since we have shown recent events" in times of crisis people based on their beliefs. It is a way to locate and interpret events that do not understand. "
What we can do to foster spirituality in our children.
clarify our own beliefs.
Whether you practice a organized religion or not practice it, need to decide what you believe to promote spirituality in your child. That does not mean you have to have all the answers, but you could take some time to consider these questions: Do you believe in God? Do you think there is a divine element in the creation of the world? What do you think happens when a person dies?
addition to your own beliefs, consider what kind of spiritual education you want for your child: If you and your partner have different religions, it is wise to decide how to approach spirituality with your child now before it is large enough to be confused with their different opinions.
includes spirituality in his life from an early age.
Young children do not understand who God is, but not really understand who is a parent or a grandparent. Still, if you want to know your grandmother, you have to start talking to her since the first day. It's the same with the idea of \u200b\u200ba cosmic God.
the same way your child thinks that her grandmother is an important person in your life (even if very rarely seen time), I believe that God is too. And by introducing spiritual practices in his life from an early age, your little one will see them as a natural part of life, and you have a spiritual influence on him before the others have.
not pretend to have all the answers.
When your little one will ask where people go when they die, answer honestly: "Nobody knows for sure, but some people think they are going to heaven to be closer to God. Others think they are born again in a new body. " Inevitably, your son asks you what you think. If you have a firm belief, share it with him. If not, it's okay to admit that there are questions to which people spend a lifetime looking for the answer, and this is one of them.
Use everyday events to teach spirituality.
Great ideas do not always require big actions. You can show that spirituality is part of everyday life, incorporating it into everyday actions and words. When you open the curtains in the morning, you might exclaim: "Look what a beautiful day nature has created!" And at bedtime, you might say, "That the universe bless you, my love."
Have your child loves nature.
Nature is an excellent place to find a tangible manifestation of the divine. "Children learn with all their senses: they love to pick up a stone, jump in a puddle or chase a butterfly." Help your child see nature as something sacred, demonstrating your own love and respect for her.
When you go walking in the forest or enjoy a picnic on the beach collect all your garbage (and even others), and be considerate of the creatures in their habitat. Plant a garden with your child and make it part of your daily routine review together the progress of the plants. Begins to collect a lot of waste to organic fertilizer for your little one see the leftovers turned into land use in their garden. Instilled in him the idea that the Earth is a gift, and that our survival depends on the survival of our planet.
Tell stories.
world's spiritual traditions are full of stories designed to explain everything from how the world was created to why people sometimes do bad things. Introduce your child the concept that different people have different ideas about God, using the vast amount of literature there is to it.
Read spiritual stories together illustrated books of mythology can be Hindu, Christian, metaphysics, esoteric or a collection of Greek and Jewish folk tales, modified and simplified as necessary. This will give your child the opportunity to have and grow with a universal mind.
would be enough in family traditions.
Spirituality connects us not only with the divine, and also connects us to each other and with the past. If you're raising your child with the same spiritual traditions they grew up, you can be sure (a) you know you are continuing family rituals. Teach and transfer them beliefs that are practiced at home and if they are mixed beliefs, attend to forward it for him to choose in the future.
Make it fun.
Religion and spirituality should be glad that serious and somber. Encourage your toddler to draw to God, the Universe, stars and make up your own story about how he created the world or simply imagine what heaven is. Act together in plays or set up a puppet show based on creation stories or your own spiritual issues. Above all, do what spiritual people have done for centuries: Singing and Dancing! If you do not know traditional songs, there are a lot of CDs of religious music. Do not forget to also explore songs and chants from other cultures or traditions.
Practice silence.
Once a day or once a month, take a moment to sit quietly with your son. Do not have to submit his moment of silence as a high meditation practice, but simply as a calming break in a day noisy. Whether your child use the time to communicate with the divine or just to relax and recharge will help you get in touch with what is beyond the minutiae of daily life.
Teach a simple pray.
Tell your toddler that prayer is not something that is allowed only for Sundays or for times when you need help with something. It is a tool to communicate with the Supreme Being who lives inside him and he can do at any time. So I invite them to pray or meditate with you at different times, for example, when you see something beautiful, when you make something new for the first time, waking or bedtime.
A simple prayer to give thanks before or after meals may be an easy and effective way to instill appreciation of fundamental things life. If your child is too young to create their own sentences, the idea is that your child knows that God, the universe or the divine spirit is always available.
emphasizes the spiritual aspect of the festivities.
Try to balance the marketing of the holidays with activities that highlight its deeper meaning. She volunteers for a local charity, donate food, clothing or toys to a workhouse, and do your part by choosing a few small things that no longer plays. Participate in spiritual events that focus on issues raised and awareness.
Follow your child.
Let me ask you questions and give many opportunities to discuss their own ideas on such issues as: What is God, what heaven or what happens to people after death. Try not to impose the answers to your questions. If you wonder where God lives, begin by asking what he thinks. Or ask him to draw a picture and tell you about it. Spirituality is something that goes both ways: if you listen carefully to your child, you might discover something you've never thought.
Article: Dr. Marianne Neifert.
http://caminodelser.blospot . Com
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