taken from: trabajadoresdelaluz.com
Post: maestrosyguiasdelaluz.blogspot.com
This is a chapter I consider of utmost importance because, at last, I can assert that what I describe is based on science. Fortunately, the clarity we visit when we least expect it and if we open ourselves to be in a positive frequency, full of energy, then we are the happy recipients of vital information.
For me, clarity came one day when I had access to a video that contained the most intense conversation that I'd heard before. The speaker in question was Dr. Bruce Lipton, a molecular biologist who explained his theory of the Biology of Belief (The Biology of Belief).
After an hour I realized I was sitting on the edge of my seat, tense the neck, because I had not moved an inch during this amazing exhibition. Dr. Lipton's enthusiasm had us all (the audience he was addressing, and me) suspended, thrilled by his voice and their descriptions. I knew at the time their experiences in studying the cells.
Their discovery-just as I mention before, that is the time when we were visited by a muse made of light-took place during a course taught to medical students, who wanted give their best so they could pass an important exam. Your dedicated observation led him to accurately perceive what is the mind of the cell.
The mind of the cell is in the membrane, because since then captures all information from abroad and then pass it inside where the mitochondria and the organelles are going to do their job. In the mitochondria, which is the part used for any reproduction, you have access to DNA, and that is where changes occur ... or not ... it all depends on our willingness to modify the regret for the joy, the sorrow that weakens us , for health.
After showing his theory to the family of scientists, physicians and researchers, Dr. Lipton began a long series of lectures throughout the United States and abroad, and they remain an important chapter in his career. There was a strong tremor in the foundations of allopathic medicine when it was revealed the discovery of this dedicated biologist. Every day more and more doctors are accepting this premise. It is integrated into our mind that our cells to receive signals from outside, act accordingly. Dr. Lipton uses two words to describe how these signals are perceived by cells: signals for growth and protection signals. If you receive growth signals, ie information that keeps us in confidence, joy, in the loving intent and calm, then we enjoy good health. If, however, cells receive signals from protection, or fear-based messages, as might be: "People do not want me, that's my fate, I must settle" or "I will certainly not talk to give me the job, if I have bad luck "or" many of my relatives suffer from kidney, you'd better prepare me because I do not take in developing a renal disease, this condition is emotional, obsessive, will keep us on the burden and weaken our bodies. What happens then? Our immune system is affected.
believe such important studies that Dr. Lipton seems vital to give a description of his words.
Dr. Lipton says that under our skin there is an active population with fifty trillion cells, each biologically and functionally equivalent to a miniature human. However, the behavior of this population cell is something the program, and programming affect your genes. This is now known as genetic determinism.
Since the discovery of the genetic code (Watson and Crick) has been believed that DNA controls what we have inherited through the family blood and that this 'reality' sets dysfunctional traits such as cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes and depression, among other diseases. We have seen victims of this heritage and why we perceive as being powerless in relation to the development of our own lives. But DNA has been filed, also, what we have inherited in the blood as the color of our eyes, the shape of our nose, or the ability to play the piano, for mathematics, for business. Our genes carry two types of information: the predisposition to disease and ability to manifest virtues.
But what does the genetic code, or what we inherit in blood at the time of our formation as a fetus? We have an egg and a sperm penetrates an egg. Each contains genetic information, or limiting belief systems and a host of positive data relevant to the ancestors of the mother (egg) and the father (sperm). That's what you and I were in the beginning, the result of the union of our parents. At that time we were nothing, just an egg that was divided and grew dramatically. Consequently, we had no self-awareness. Over the months of gestation, the fetus is taking shape and your brain begins to receive signals through the placenta. The mother's emotions affect the creature. External vibrations that cause reactions in the fetus. Nine months after the baby is born. That being unique is supplied with information that has been saturated in their cells and has structured its DNA.
follow years of education by parents (and to a lesser or greater importance by grandparents or other relatives). After installing all the influence of years of schooling. At that time, little of our history perceives and learns everything he sees, what he hears from teachers and peers. This also is fueling their belief system. Later, when you already have a job, your belief system can be extended if you are receiving signals are comfortable or logical.
This has been perfect for certain individuals who assume full personal irresponsibility when there are problems and obviously not have the ability to change anything. When a problem arise excuse: "If I can not do anything about it, why bother?" And take their "destiny or fate" as something unchangeable. We could say that the comfort to which I refer has to do with a lack of information, being ignorant of the progress of science and an evolution of consciousness. I venture to assert that both the presence of a widespread culture (based on constant reading) as an opening of awareness and a "being" in spirituality, has the strength to make us better individuals, and that puts us in an enviable health .
extract of Martha Sanchez Llambí
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