Monday, March 21, 2011

Bad Case Of Head Lice

spiritual Toys: playful and teachers

From: Public


La Tierra en el Universo 001

God puts toys around us, but always out of reach and says: "Come and take them. Here is love, money, fame and social honors.
Deity to humanity is like a mother to her intelligent son, who lectures him about the benefits of walking, and learnedly explains the mechanism of the muscles of the legs, but a nice toy teaches him saying: "Come and take it." The desire to wake up and the child begins to crawl, thus learning to walk. We, as children, we make great efforts and struggle to snatch toys, but once we took them, broken and useless. Does God teases us by presenting all these objects?. No, his aim has been to extract the power of self, develop the capacity latent in man, and development of human faculty can see the result of the incentive of spiritual game. This is the means by which we learn to develop the God within: the result of the actions of the divine Father with His children.
One lesson of the Mysteries of the past is that the universe plays when it works. The disciples were taught to feel under the processes of nature is a deep current of joy. The joy is to feel each for himself, withdrawing from their own experience.
Tradition says that the toys of Dionysus, The Divine Child were given the top, the sphere and the mirror. Some toys went to be part of children's games like craps, others become archetypal symbols of humanity as the wheel and go on to become other machines as was the case of the zoetrope, which led us to magic of cinema.


objects of many faces why we sometimes call polyhedra and our name depends on the number of faces as well: tetrahedron (4 ), hexahedron (6), octahedron (8), dodecahedron (12) Icosahedron (20). They say the father who gave us the name was Plato, as we sometimes called Platonic solids. Those who have irregular faces Archimedean nicknamed us because our father was Archimedes.
Ready to show random results when we launched on a horizontal surface, from the hand or using a cup. The possible results, numerical or otherwise, are marked in each of our faces and are chosen depending on the position remaining after the launch, typically takes the result is marked on the side show when we are face up. Often using multiple dice same or different combined in the same run. They knew that the sum of opposite faces when we have a cubic is seven? (6 +1, 5 +2, 4 +3).
They say true human being is an octahedron-shaped crystal.

The Marbles:

We are small areas of alabaster, clay or metal used in many children's games, so we considered very entertaining and fun for young and old. Also the name given to the games that we used. This game is almost universal and the rules are repeated in most of the world.
Although there are many variants, the essence of the game is to launch one or more of us to try to approach until you play a marble of another owner, and then move closer to an obstacle or a specified location. When someone wins a hand usually take the other player's marbles or opposing players.
We are told that our spherical shape is due to spend our lives around and around that the mind is shaped like a sphere and is made up of many crystals.


circular'm a mechanical part rotating about an axis, when I have no axis I considered a hoop. Sometimes I am considered a simple machine, and I'm part of all known elements of machines.
I feel very proud when a child walk or run long distances with me guiding me with a stick. My way is to mark the movement in the universe, and when in third grade learn that the moon revolves around the earth, the earth around the sun, the sun around the sun more.
The wheels can be listed according to their importance, as follows:
wheel the universe or the sum total of all the stars, stellar systems.
A cosmic wheel or a group of seven constellations, divided into 49 groups. Wheels
system or the atomic life of the individual constellations. Is again divided in 343 groups.
A planetary wheel that is expressed in 10 ways.
"Wheels within wheels, and areas within spheres, each one runs its course and attracts or rejects his brother, though he can not escape the enveloping arms of the mother.
"When the wheels of the fourth dimension, of which our sun is one and all that is lower strength and higher number, such as the eighth and ninth grades, turn on themselves, they devour each other, tearing become his mother, then the cosmic wheel is ready to go faster. "

The Rainmakers:

body can rotate about a point where I have my center of gravity perpendicular to the axis of rotation, balancing on a point thanks to the angular velocity, which allows the development of gyroscopic effect. Many ways and there are many varying function tops in our family: we could say that men are tops, and women are whirligig,
I spun by hand, usually through a vertical protrusion can print the cornering force. I have also been used for gambling and for prophecies and other rituals. Facilitated team work, giving and receiving, when each of my expensive place: TAKE ONE, TAKE TWO, TAKE ALL, PUT ONE, TWO PLACE, ALL COME.
is said to me a true model of the atom to make in myself the three motions: rotating, circular and spiral.

The Mirror:

I am a polished surface that reflects light to affect over me, according to the laws of reflection. Occupy an important place in mythology and superstitions of many peoples. The image reflected in me is often identified with the soul or spirit of the person: hence such that vampires, bodies without soul, do not reflect on me. When a dying man is about to leave this world, it is common that I covered with a curtain, for fear that the soul of the dying is enclosed in me. I conceive therefore, as a window to the world of spirits.
In the story of Snow White , the mirror has the ability to speak and answer questions put to him by the stepmother. Also notable is the Mirror of Wisdom, which reflects "all things in heaven and earth except at his face looking at him," described by Oscar Wilde's story The Fisherman and his soul. Lewis Carroll gave me a lead role in allowing entry to a world reverse the girl Alicia.
Human beings who are trapped inside a body in a glass. Human beings understand that they must repair the glass and mirrors, for it must return to the original sharpness had. Need to overcome the distortion, and to do have to rise. To rise have to polish the mirrors, and polish the mirrors have to know how. Must learn to know why, and that why they have to understand. To understand, you have to love it: only then will return to who gave them life and existence: their own minds.

The Kaleidoscope:

I kaleidoscope, a tube containing three mirrors inside and on my amount of surface stones or pieces of paper color.
The three mirrors form a triangular prism with its reflective side inwards, to the end of which there are two translucent sheets among which are several objects of different shapes and colors, whose images are multiplied symmetrically to be turning the tube while looking at the opposite end. These mirrors can be arranged at different angles. A 45 th of each eight duplicate images are generated. A 60 ° are observed six duplicates and 90 ° four.
David Brewster My father created me in 1816 and dealt with my birth certificate (which is now called patent), many people wanted to have me, but encouraged manufacturing facility imitations and replicas. So my father suddenly stopped receiving revenue.
Many creative people who analyzed my performance say I'm like a miniature mind, which works through the brain, this is the explanation they give me, that in a brain the three lenses are named Rima, pituitary and pineal glands, which can turn to join and to form images.
creates Principle One called his son and thought . This thought is responsible sort, classify, analyze, develop and communicate the entire compendium of creativity that emanates from its center. So other thoughts arise. They look at each other, are recognized as brothers, and the first thing they do is considered themselves to see if it can perform the activities assigned by the creator. The first experience is to have aware of its existence ; call life, when coupled with desire , produce pace. This develops with cadence and harmony, thereby creating the vibration , and this element generates colors. Each of these has a different meaning, and when the infinite colors begin to emerge, thoughts children discover where they come from. Observed small and tiny crystals that collide and merge together to form figures. They arise from the desire , the pace , the vibration and color. Thus was born a new form element called .
then thought begins to sort and classify this set of items through their own experiences. When attaching the elements to each other, you get unexpected results that may be useful or less useful. This will create the diversity, which correlates the data by creating the knowledge. The wealth of information enables the understanding , and joining the two, generating collection and continuity. This result forms the cause and effect, and digest all that information creates the wisdom.
pituitary gland is absorbing these thoughts, ponders, studies them, classifies and distributes. If they are positive, goes to the gland rhyme, that placing orders in the respective zones, and if are of high quality, goes to the pineal gland.

The zoetrope:

zoetrope I was born in 1834 son of William George Horner who gave me this name because he believed that life revolves ( Zoe and Tropos ). My father was a mathematician who at 14 years he became a teacher, four years later became director of the school they attended.
My 43 years was a change in my physical appearance by Emily Reynaud who expanded my vision. The person who could use me to look over a drum in my body, within which there was an inside wheel at an angle with a mirror that reflect images drawn on strips of paper lying around. From that year, 1877, I continued calling Praxinoscope.
There was a psychologist named Max Wertheimer, who suggested that I would allow the transfer of the mind and also enable any carrier to see life as a flash before his eyes, as if it were like Aladdin's lamp that grants wishes. The
which in turn will merge the two hemispheres of the person, and that the left hemisphere of this work is based on artificial intelligence and the right hemisphere with emotional intelligence.
children As you may conclude, I strongly related to the picture and sound, with music and film.
All toys are spiritual because they energized the movement in the mind, which facilitates contact with spirit. When thoughts rise, being energy begins to take shape in the pineal gland and binds the universe through the powerhouse coronary artery, which feeds on knowledge, understanding and universal love. When areas of the brain work as a whole, the mind is integrated into the Universe.

Male Primary: Zones 1 and 2
Man: Zone 3
Human Male: Zones 4 and 5
Human-being: Zones 5 and 6
Being: Zones 6 and 7
the cosmic: Zone 7 and 8
Universal Being: Zones 8 and 9
information about thoughts, glass and mirrors were taken from the Book Being One .


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