Released by: Caduceus spring of
Margarita López Thanks!
The revolution that came to Facilitate
Message from the Council of 12 channeled selachian February 26, 2011
Translation: Margarita Lopez Edition : The Spring of
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These are the times we have been waiting for. Is occurring revolutionary awakening. It might remind some previous decades, like the 60s, but those years were tame in comparison. There are a revolutionary spirit that emerges, of course, to correct the imbalances and oppression, comes into the hearts and minds of people who begin to question the status quo. This happened on numerous occasions in the history of mankind. At any previous time, however, humanity as a whole had the potential to radically transform the human experience on Earth.
What is your role?
and again as the deployment of this cycle, they will be asking to understand their role. Going to have to keep asking this question, to adapt to the ever-changing scene before you. Some days are going to be sure they know what their purpose and how they will comply. Many more days are going to have to upgrade their perspective and expand the role that has become familiar. Each time you update your reference point and connect with the vision of the spirit of his life, he shows them the need to love in a more expansive.
A Call to Love
The universe has sent his heart a call to love. This impulse Light has also been conveyed to humanity worldwide. They are seeing some of the results of this appeal in revolutionary actions that unfold in the Middle East and elsewhere.
Nobody knows for certain the outcome of the current revolutionary change focused on the Middle East. Do not underestimate the potential of surveys to change the thought forms of humanity from oppression to peace. Focus their thoughts and prayers for peace and constructive solutions.
If today could make an energy survey of mankind, would choose peace over violence. Keep that in mind next time you see the news. In society media today, there is a tendency learned to pay attention to the extremes, with special emphasis on those that are related to the fatality and catastrophe. On any given day, however, occurs much is somewhere in between. This is true at the individual and for humanity as a whole. The impulse to return to love is driving changes large and small every day. Every time a person learns to love herself more, building a bridge to a greater connection with spirit. Self-empowerment develops from there.
Going from doubt to confidence
Look beyond surface appearances to discover their own truth about the chances of their world. The conventional world taught to question everything, including yourself. Learned from an early age to criticize themselves, others, and life events. They were taught to notice the errors and failures.
Be aware of times when they react with fear at the news of popular uprisings. Notice when you feel an inexplicable sadness or despair about the state of the world. When you feel blocked and nothing makes sense, remember that there is a global awakening underway.
If you are looking signs of awakening all over the world, will find them. You are not alone, even for a moment. People like you are becoming empowered to find their own truth and help create a loving world.
Remember that people are more alike than different. The divine spark within each person is the unifying force. You are no different in the eyes of the spirit that the people of Egypt and elsewhere that seeks to be free. Ordinary citizens everywhere are becoming empowered to order a society that is fair and in solidarity with the people. You also have the right to ask this.
In this next cycle, it is vital that they have exactly what they want. Sit in daily contemplation, preferably morning and night, and imagine their lives. Imagine the world in which they live. Establish specific intentions about how they will create their future brighter. Think about this during the day and just before bed, invite the spirit to energize the good in your life.
While continuing the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are the Council of 12.
These and other items of interest can be downloaded in a Word file from the site created in http://www.manantialcaduceo. / libros.htm for ARTICLES OF INTEREST
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