Metal! weee! q fun! haha so far not explain the effect it has q q q give the metal to metal appears in a drawing in pencil drawings ... but I will say what is important in the metal reflects what is around q, and depends on its shape, if curved, concave, convex, and so on. dark things around or refeljan shadows with black or dark color preference and the lights are left in white, that's the most important.

Now see how they make the armor of the Middle Ages ... The most complex
covering the entire body with many parts and joints were flexible, but they were very heavy.
Important parts are
-Pads-waist or skirt

The armor parts are preferably ergonomic base forms should follow the shape of body to fit correctly and are not uncomfortable. If the draw without taking the shape of the body armor does not seem real or possible and not be useful.
helmet ... The head goes for those who do not know where to go, things should not happen for obvious haha. Helmets, as well as to draw a head, must be drawn using a circular base, and if you can use a head basis, so you can keep their shape better and obviously take into account the volume taken by the hair, ears, a cushion inside the hull, screws, etc. There are several types of helmets, some just left a band to watch, others are mobile or fixed grid, others are free the whole face, others have beaks, etc. etc ... there are many many types, I will not make a study of helmets. The important thing is to follow the shape of the head.

The breastplate covers everything that is the torso, or on at least the chest or thorax. In their simplest forms are only bent sheet metal in the shape of the ribs, but some have the shape of the volume of the trunk muscles, the truth is not which is more comfortable I've never worn one, but for that I leave to your choice haha. Some vests are just one piece of metal the size of a chest covering the heart tied to his chest, I suppose q is the most comfortable and which gives more freedom of movement as a sheet-shaped torso haha. In the more complex the bib has joints that allow the person flex. And the more rigid becomes the bearer of the anti tank armor spears, swords, axes and everything else haha.

jackets and vests collars can be used as bibs, some are lead, leather, metal, etc. tend to be hard (not put wrinkles like fabric), some are smooth and some have scales that are material facts. The sleeves are just a piece of leather or metal that is put on the clothes ... is not very useful haha, sorry not a lot of research on this thing, but as q is just ornamental.

The nets are made of metal grids form a shirt or nightgown that covers the body completely so that the tips of arrows, swords, spears, etc. not hurt the skin, not inrrompibles, so with a strong espadazo sharp falls apart, usually go under the armor.

Protection Unlike the collar, this also protects the mouth, and takes a helmet-shaped hat on top to finish protect the head. On the other hand, the Hull Cell can grate up and down with two screws on the sides.

pads can follow the shape of the shoulder or have shapes that do not restrict the movement of body shape, size and weight. These are examples of large pads, usually used as decoration or to hang a coat from there.

just pieces of metal shaped arms, separate the parts of the arm and forearm. The arm is omitted, you can use only part of the forearm or neither, only complex used in armor.

joint arm are metal plates that can move together how the elbow and knee, are thicker outer side where they join to cover the elbow when you stretch and shrink. connecting the arm and forearm armor.

Gloves Gloves should follow the shape of the hand closely, as it is the body part that should have more freedom to the battle, should be able to flex, and that should be made of each phalanx joints of the fingers and wrist. They can also be leather.

The skirt
skirts ... shaped skirt, but rigid metal grid can also be, and may be made of parts or as a single piece. the parties must meet the profile of the legs, the soft tissues ... and if you can bottom.

Legs Like arms broken leg as the thigh and calf, and knee joint or the one in place of the calf can use a boot. In its simplest form using only the knee. The skirt covers a large part of the thigh, so it is not absolutely necessary, it is also generally used in armor complex.

Boots Boots, shoes are just metal, in most cases have joints so that the foot can move easily to the middle, only the full armor and boots using metal complex, usually warriors using simple armor and normal leather boots.

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