free online course THE ART OF PARENTING Presentation
begin by telling you that I am a mother as any in the world, a mother waiting to give of the best for their children despite all the difficulties that arise for each, walked and walk always looking for information to nourish to know every time a little more and just looking for information in that way I found this wonderful course. It all started with this little story, when I first asked about breastfeeding, "Why continue to take breast milk?", "It is too big for it," my daughter just had 4 or 5 months, then later " but breast milk just fed up to 6 months!, "and should start taking a bottle ".............. and similar comments, very common and simple in our modern society, I hit and collided with some which was very convinced that breast milk is best for the child, I said "can not be that formula is better than breast milk even after 6 months!" I was lucky (for so to speak) to be fed with breast milk in my childhood and this may have been a basis for my belief. Similarly, the first time they told me to stop mourn my daughter, "it was normal to cry, mourn and needed" to mourn is good for you! "also struck something deep in me, with my heart, with something inside of me that suffered at her mourn and say that takes into armed, began to question can not be that" an animal feel more pity and love for her baby as a human being! "," can not be that if my heart I ask that you charge, you have it in my arms, that Pamper, the mime, the love, give you what you need is bad for my baby! ". These questions around me made me go in and investigate and learn more about these topics and others, not to convince me (as any mother in the background already convinced, but unfortunately the arguments we are sometimes weak even to ourselves) but to be able to give coherent answers and "scientific basis" so to speak, not just say "my instincts dictate me!" for who accepts willingly response that instinct (from the physiological point of view today and scientifically proven) is right?. maternal instincts also unfortunately have been lost gradually over time, with the current robotic parenting (ultra medicalized birth, human milk replacement formula, warmth replacement for a doll to sleep with the baby, replacement nipple plastic human one, separation or breakdown of the symbiotic mother-child at a young age, ... ... ..), and the mother does not feel your blood flow natural oxytocin (the love hormone) and endorphins at the same time your baby , then how can rely on instincts ?........... There in this constant search found some interesting things and I will share them doing in this little blog.
Today I share one of the most valuable things I found, this fabulous course Art of Parenting . The first time I read it was in French, I was struck by the number of new songs that I discovered was like finding a gem, I told myself so many issues that are scattered in many places, books, articles, research and all gathered in one place! "in a" plain language "so I thought" everyone should read this course! "despite my time constraints, I decided to work on it to get it in English for all English-speaking people could benefit.
founder and director of the site (Canadian Society for
and just mentioned that knowledge Elliott Barker, is the entire course of that knowledge is ESSENTIAL known to all who are already parents or if they are not even better! because the idea is prevent this abuse of children mostly unconscious, by the ignorance of parents and all adults. Although initially the course is designed for prospective parents, those preparing to be, to all young people, students (repeat its plain language), but nobody looks or how to become a father, as there are no schools, colleges and universities for the profession (so to speak but very little this title) more important in the world: to bring to the world and form new human beings and therefore is also aimed at those who are already parents. For the type of birth and the type of care the first years of life will be the base, the pillar structure on which personality is developed and therefore their child's future new human being.
Ideally, take a parenting course before, therefore something is wrong or ill-treat an adult who usually has no serious consequences if we talk for example in the brain, but mistreat a child (unconsciously) bring irreversible consequences, as the brain of a baby boy is in full swing and training, the type of treatment received by the baby boy determine a type of neural connections (synapses) and abuse or neglect will determine another type of neural connections and this will be a permanent and irreversible in humans, ( details of this is discussed in chapter 8) . Here we meet something that mentioned John Bowlby (English psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who threw to the ground many theories of Freud and that was one of the pioneers in introducing new theories and ideas of attachment parenting) in one of his writings: " love and care given at little man will be as or more important than genetic inheritance " .
all have an idea of \u200b\u200baging are usually the ideas or conscious or unconscious patterns that we received since we were children, such programming in our brain of how we were raised normally prevails and sometimes take for assumed to be the only and the correct way. In addition there is always someone there willing to give advice to tell us how to raise our children, whether parent or not, they all have an idea of \u200b\u200bparenting, and there in the midst of all we must decide and choose the best for our children, but how to prepare and decide on something we do not know? how to choose?, how to decide what is right? if most of the available information that overwhelms us, it is in magazines, articles, books, web sites with much publicity by trying to confuse us, trying to give us the idea that the child is wrong and letting us know a lot of myths and legends urban, trying to sell something and not say at the bottom what the true biological needs, genetic and emotional baby and finally neither know nor advise us complete information, or both sides of the coin, unfortunately including sometimes many pediatricians and psychologists in the world.
I'm sure the course will help open the minds of many people, will be a very big door to go deeper into this and other topics, for raising is directly related to the problems of our global society he will break with many schemes and end up with many lies, many misconceptions we have in mind, normally we receive from our childhood or we hear in our environment, modern urban myths about parenting as "in the way we learn to be parents," "children teach us to be parents," "it is normal to use a pacifier," " let it not affect you cry "," fed breast milk only for 6 months "," must be taught to walk, "" we must teach them to sleep "," must be taught to eat "," should be taught to behave, "" should sleep alone, "" Take it to the nursery, the nest, kindergarten, garden to socialize, "from young must learn to socialize," if you take a long time will be dependent breast "," children understand everything "," children need harsh discipline, "children need to set limits," not I upload that conceited! "," conceited if much will be dependent, "with one hand he is punished with another is love", "the child is inherently bad," humans are violent by nature " "from small must know the hardships of life," if not correct it will be hard now an adult offender! "etc, etc ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the list is endless.
This course will help many parents in the world to understand and rely more on human nature, to understand as "human invention a fact that babies live less humanely. We have created alternatives to replace the mother. Much of the substitutes do not fill or fill the biological and genetic needs of the baby. At birth or during infancy, babies expected to develop in relation to a human being it will raise, we not have evolved to develop with cow's milk, plastics, loneliness and separation. We have evolved in relation to physical contact, the sensations of movement and stimulation or feelings to which only another human being can respond . "(From the course), will help break the breeding cycle is given if patterns was bad or good repeating patterns, as there are also wonderful ways to foster that deserve repeated but most will help many babies, children, those new members and future human beings in our society to not be mistreated.
interesting thing of course is that no is to tell us or teach the parent how to raise, or direct responses to myths and urban legends mentioned above (one deduces the answer very quickly), but talks about topics that usually are not known, about the brain, cortisol, the amygdala, the defense mechanisms we all human beings, corporations, consumerism, the baby's biological needs, as it affects the type of birth, if the period of formation of small human being ends at birth, the ghosts of our own childhood ... ... ... ... ... ... ..
The 9 chapters are:
Chapter 1: The Birth
Chapter 2: Breastfeeding
Chapter 3: Separations
Chapter 4: The family bed
Chapter 5: Loading the baby
Chapter 6: A second baby
Chapter 7: Ghosts in the nursery
Chapter 8: The brain
Chapter 9: Our culture
complete When you finish reading the 9 chapters one will never again see the child as inferior or is entirely bad by nature, but on the contrary, learn to see it as a good person, a being that we all have much to learn, yet it is contaminated with bad things, negative of our society. Learn to know what your true needs biological, genetic and emotional little human . It will also help understand why the cycle of violence in the world, which is set in early childhood.
For those wishing to go further in the Resources section you will find a good bibliographic database, the better, a huge number of books and links to go and deepen each topic, because the course is based on research and studies of renowned doctors, researchers, scientists and authors independent seek the welfare of the child and hence the human being not looking to sell something and unfortunately there are many in the market.
The course THE ART OF PARENTING is free and open at:
having a good read!
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