Shields can be made of wood, leather, stone or metal. The essential function of this weapon is protection, the bigger, heavier and give the shield is impenetrable more protection, moreover prevent free movement and quick, so it is best to balance all aspects of the shield by combining the strategy of character and abilities.
Some shields combine materials:

The shape of the esudos may vary, what they have in common is that most are flat curved or straight, but always flat, ie there is cube-shaped shields or area ...

to carry a shield must be stopped by hand according to the disposition of the handle (vertical or horizontal) or can be strapped to the forearm to have free hand

The shield can block direct or indirect attacks. You can deal with the shield or you can wait for the clash against the attacks. Arm position is what will determine what action, if the arm and the body thrown into the attack, countering or blocking is, when the arm simply protects the body is waiting for the attack. The effect of taking up arms and missiles just after the shield's block is actually a reaction in the opposite direction or bouncing in a different direction.

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