The snake is a reptile that appears
"What else we know about the snake? guides the National Archaeological Museum of Athens tell the tourists that snake was the symbol of female sexuality in
control the reproductive capacity of women involved the dispossession of their desires and the elimination of his libido to run the physiology of your body, enslaved and robotic , according to the specific purposes of the new patriarchal order: play resigned slaves and warriors insensitive to human suffering and resigned slaves and future new mothers insensitive to the suffering of their children; instead of the lush and peaceful life that once existed in the palaces of the societies of the Neolithic matricentric. Make women do not desire sexual functions consistently, systematically violating the body, is libidinal dimension of matricide that gives rise to patriarchal society. The pleasure that accompanies sexual function and sustained relationships of mutual support to guarantee the preservation of life, ie the impulse or the pleasure principle that has preserved life, then cut and sexual functions are performed with pain, tremendous pain, to run the patriarchal order of achievement wealth and conquest. The rigid body of the woman, exploded and stripped of the serpent who encouraged him, is left to
Human life has been medicalized and so even before birth, our first identity is to "patients." Although we still have to cure anything from the uterus and we submit to all sorts of evidence that our welfare rather than having to do with the interests of the medical and pharmaceutical industry. Lest anyone think that the gentlemen who invented a machine that reproduces the beating of our heart on a screen did thinking about our health, they did thinking of selling, which is what most people think about lately. Research continues on technical discover our sex as soon as possible, despite the disastrous consequences that this entails. Selling and control is the ultimate goal much he disguised by other immediate purposes.
The multinational medical and pharmaceutical industry is perhaps one of the most dangerous sheds its incidence in the early stages of human life: not only because our absolute helplessness is nothing we can do about it, but by the importance at that time everything will for the rest of our lives . As adults we can know what many of the harmful things being done in the name of health and be safe, but from the uterus, Only a creature must be able to do is kick in the maternal waters. But worst of medical invasion in the early stages of our life has been since then their cooperation in fulfilling the divine curse to give birth in pain and suffering birth. medical industry, power weapon the funds and used without scruples or qualms about the cost in suffering, has been particularly cruel in the theft that has made one of the most impressive and delicate moments of our lives: birth .
Because deliveries can be different things depending on whether the snake inhabits the body of women, what extent they inhabit, and to what extent is manipulated by
Masters and Johnsons say that uterine contractions are an essential all female orgasm; Merelo-Barbera, Serrano Vicens, and Dr.Schebat University Hospital in Paris have shown the high rate of births among women orgasmic rigid even today. There literature contains reports of travelers who have found societies in which women give birth without pain. The same book of Genesis should have made us suspicious. And yet, we believe that the Divine curse-the patriarchal order, is the human condition.
According Merelo-Barbera, women are socialized in a breakdown of the psychosomatic unity between consciousness and uterus, and uterine sensitivity we have lost. This was accomplished first with vile insults to our sex (called impurity, wandering animal, monster, etc..) And then silencing it, leaving, as recognized Groddeck - the voluptuous woman with no name. Thus, the uterus is an erogenous body (as any woman can regain sensitivity practicing visualization and concentration on the same), a sounding board for the pleasure, which expands the breast to the rectum and to the ends of the foot becomes rigid and tense. And in the absence of provoking desire and drive delivery, which would implement the full power of our hormonal system and elasticity of the uterine muscles, women need external assistance - Medicine-
The medical institution not only acts specifically at every birth, every woman's body, manipulating their reproductive as plumbers piping system of a house is already being compared to a popular saying, "but its existence and its dictates serve primarily to anybody even think that things could be otherwise, and that is otherwise quite different and benefactor. Just as Marriage serves primarily to anybody even think that love could be anything .
Refusing desire in sex birth, arises that requires a respect for privacy so that women can abandon their feelings and emotions. The intimacy of the woman is raped without any modesty, and with this violation, even if there was willingness on the part of health personnel, the desire is inhibited and prevents any possible outbreak of it, which could take place, despite education of the mother. Michel Odent as several years experience in the center of Pithiviers (France) dedicated to the delivery without violence, says the more it allows women to be at your leisure and alone, the easier the delivery. The violation of privacy also entails the imposition of a completely inappropriate position, position that she never abandoned its momentum adopt, as the supine position has no other purpose than to allow manipulation of obstetricians, and lengthens and narrows the birth canal. If we add anesthesia, lights, dripping into a vein, orders and all kinds of aggressive techniques, the immediate separation of the mother's body just outside the exterior and the deal dehumanized creature newcomer, we have what could be our first smile in the world becomes a long and desperate cry. Fear and own the birthing technique and exuberant mother has become a bare field and a being shattered by pain. The sexual act between two people cast has been changed to a routine surgery. The degree of insensitivity necessary to remain impervious to all this burst of suffering must be of high strength, for the commission of atrocities must involve, besides the belief that it is doing something useful, the very emotional death to carry them out .
Fortunately, professional and Leboyer, Odent Stettbach or others who have seen the anguish of approaching death in the infant's face, and heard her scream, which have moved and have questioned its inevitability, have proven over the years of work dedicated to the recovery of births joyful, that birth can be a pleasurable act, not a primary injury to the integrity of human beings. Pain-free deliveries in tribes and cultures to which medical technology has not yet arrived and where probably the devastation of bodies and the split between body and soul has not reached levels of total breakdown, corroborate what he saw Bartolomé de las Casas 500 years ago in the Caribbean, and are also testimony to what we present here. The same could be inferred from the low rates of perinatal mortality and cesarean delivery in countries such as the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway, 4O% of deliveries take place at home assisted by midwives, compared with those countries which, like Spain, is widespread hospital birth. In the Netherlands born by cesarean section 6 of every 100 babies, while in Spain we are close to 30 out of 100. Marsden Wagner, former president of
But the involvement of interested and malicious
Recently, in an article published in the New York Times , Blakesler Sandra picked up the findings of various studies in U.S. schools on the conformation of the neurological system of babies, after acknowledging that human DNA not contain enough information to specify the final structure of brain connections, and to confirm that or branching dendrites of neurons and connections have sprung up in the moment of birth until two years , explains the discovery of numerous 'hidden modulators' in the mother- baby, which regulate the production of chemicals that in turn regulate growth brain, the formation of neuronal synapses, the formation of the immune system, hormonal , etc. Ultimately that emotions primal stage of our lives, and in particular the mother-infant physical contact, shape the brain, the character and the ability to speak .
"What happened to the mother-infant relationship in our western society?
The creature offer plastic nipples milks, sleeping on cots separated from the mother, she was transported in strollers, it is tied to chairs for riding in a car, it is left in parks with bars is the bath in your bathtub for her alone, etc. etc. That is, everything is designed so that neither exists nor contemplating physical contact. Different medical specialties dictate the rules that every woman should believe and obey (and, in doing so , prevent break into her desire to do things differently), to identify with the ideal mother archetype made by theologians and prophets and the multinational advertising: the one that meets the schedules, either boiling bottles, bottles that used Chicco, Nestlé milk and baby food, strollers Jané, anatomical dummies to avoid deforming the jaw, etc. etc.
The Scientific American December 1995 contains the findings of the investigations of Dr. J. Newman about the qualities of breast milk. It is not just that this milk is more nutritious and better suited to the digestive process of the creature, but is the only one that ensures continuity formation process specific immune system. There are good reasons to believe that the growing and allergic diseases in our modern society progressed (which are simply immune deficiency states) have to do with the growing progress in modern breeding methods robotic.
Rules on frequency or amount in breast feeds are an indication of how far women have lost awareness of their sexual drives. Where breastfeeding is recommended for three months, ordering the how much and when, widespread errors that have been about to tear up the practice. Because breast milk can not be produced so willing to comply with legislation, but by the impulse of desire of women and the baby on demand, hence, regulation of the weaned pediatric leads a mother to stop produce milk and have to pass the baby to the bottle even before three months "because the baby is still hungry." Today, as already demonstrated that milk protein is higher quality more frequent and longer the tetada, in some places is beginning to give advice on breastfeeding often without slavery times, the women follow these instructions with the same submission with previously bowed to the intervals of three or four hours cursed. But often it is not because the woman has regained her sense but because it is now ordered some pediatricians. According
have been robotic sexual functions of women, have been creating medical specialties to address different aspects of the failure of self-regulation of one's life. Mothers continue to consult specialists in books and what is already written in his heart and his brain and his heart, from how to catch a baby in her arms * to how much "affection" should provide. Breastfeeding is still leaving the three months to go to work even if there is another remedy. It continues to believe that which is normal for children to cry, to be sleeping in his crib and learn quickly to be alone, but her tears tell us otherwise clear. They say that if they sleep with their mothers incestuous wishes go have intercourse with her (!) And psicotizan, babies have to harden emotionally to our image and likeness. They say no socialization possible in the satiation of desires. Say the only possible socialization is that of repression and the tears. That "children do not have to catch them in arms" who "know much" and are "very pillin" and can not be spoiled for good. The wound continues to widen and to the very human foundation to become the
As the consequences of repression are always psychosomatic libidinal, and doubts that always may be, there is the psychology with his tall tales that no one realizes the true sense of discomfort of the creatures (or post-partum depression in the mother). The psychological effects of link failure and self-regulation of human life for social repression, are explained as innate qualities, and thus hides the human condition first, harmony and welfare of that link flows produced by desire. So say we are born with an Oedipus complex, erotically narcissistic and egocentric (that's why we changed the teats of truth for the plastic), we have an innate Thanatos, some also born castrated (the uterus is not a sexual organ and erogenous, etc.). etc. .. The psychic consequences of
Source: Casilda Rodrigáñez
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