Monday, January 21, 2008

Pokemon Deluge 2 Registrarse

From knowledge to awareness

By Michel Odent .

Homo Ecologicus

Questions for our time

The "scientification of Love" takes place at the time when certain destructive behaviors, including self-destructive behavior are present. The adolescent suicide, substance abuse juvenile crime and other forms of violence are now the major causes of disability among those born during the last decades of the twentieth century.

The "scientification of Love" also coincides with a sudden consciousness making the vulnerability of Earth. The making environmental awareness has been induced by an accumulation of planetary overload symptoms. No one can ignore the changes in the composition of the atmosphere, global warming, climate disruption of or changes in the ozone layer. We all know that certain resources are in danger of extinction, particularly in the domain of fossil fuels . The word "desertification" as many words that use the suffix "-tion" have entered the everyday vocabulary. Gone are many species of animals and plants or are in danger of extinction. Contamination of food chains land and sea must be constantly reevaluated.

Today we all have in our body hundreds of synthetic substances that did not exist 50 years ago. Many among them are polychlorinated soluble substances that have a long life and accumulates in the course of the years in the fatty tissues (some families are well known, such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), dioxins , furans (divinyl oxide), PCDDs (polychlorinated dibenzo, etc). A set of data emitted by multiple perspectives and foreign ones and others indicate that intrauterine pollution represents the most worrisome aspect of the effects of such pollution on human health. The warnings have come from researchers who wanted to assess the origin long term effects on psychomotor and intellectual development of the contamination of human milk and who in fact was realized that the intrauterine pollution that mattered. Dentists have been evaluating what has been the extent of pollution caused by intrauterine biphenyls examining children's molars. Have come from those who have shown that the male genital system of the species Homo is in danger (low rate of sperm, increasing numbers of children having abnormal penis or undescended testicles, increased numbers of testicular cancer). They have come indirectly through demographic data reveal that at birth, the number of boys tends to decline. This is explained by the fact that more male fetuses are removed by natural abortions. A large Japanese study revealed that in 1966, between 12 and 15 weeks of gestation, fetuses 2.54 children lost a baby girl, in 1976, were 3.1 for one, 6.17 in 1986 and in 1996 a 10.01 for one!. Only intra uterine contamination may explain this phenomenon. No more worrying issue than this for those interested in the health of generations to be born.

Answers for our times

is common to emphasize that no the ecological crisis will be resolved without changing the social structures and policies without reorientation of scientific research, without develop appropriate technologies, rough trade and economic principles and without introducing new philosophical systems. It is unusual, however, suggest that resolution of the conflict between humanity and the Earth implies firstly a transformation of Homo - a type of mutation genetic initiated by necessity, reason and scientific knowledge.

If the planet is habitable, a hypothesis that no rule is needed - this implies that the predator will eventually Homo been replaced by Homo Ecologicus. Ecologicus Homo is characterized by its tendency to unify, for its ability to develop a global consciousness and making a deep respect for Mother Earth .

Finally, the solution to all the urgent problems which mankind must face first requires the development of different aspects of the capacity to love, including a feeling of compassion for the generations that have not yet been designed . It is the reason why the "scientification of love" should be considered as an essential aspect of the scientific revolution. An accumulation of data that sheds new light on the chain of events involved in developing the capacity to love: the period surrounding the birth represents the critical link on what can be treated. The priority is to challenge the way human babies born so as to disturb as little as possible the first contact between mother and newborn.

These considerations are in a context that is appropriate to specify. Regarding the birth of human babies are in an unprecedented situation.

Indeed all known human societies have always more or less disturbed physiological processes, however, until recently, a woman could not have babies without secrete a complex cocktail of love hormones.

Today for the first time in human history, most women in most industrialized countries become mothers no ingress of these hormones. Women who give birth vaginally may have substitutes for natural hormones are not the love hormones (synthetic oxytocin infusion, epidural replacing the segregation of endorphins, etc.). Others give birth by caesarean section. What is the future of a civilization born in such conditions? Will humanity survive the Obstetric.


The most important obstacle for questioning conditions of birth is a profound misunderstanding, the cultural level of the physiology of birth. It is easy to explain this misunderstanding. For thousands of years, all human groups passed down from generation to generation more or less subtle ways to interfere with physiological processes. The socialization of birth was on par with the advantage of representing the development of human potential for aggression, ie the control of the capacity to love.

This misunderstanding has been paradoxically maintained by the various schools of obstetrical psycho that emerged in the middle of the twentieth century. The psycho Russian, introduced in Western countries for Lamaze, rested at home on the concepts of conditional reflexes developed by Pavlov. Russian investigators had learned that, during delivery, all inhibitions are part of the brain origin is highly developed in humans than is the neocortex. But they did not understand at that time, there is a physiological mechanism of protection against brain activity of the intellect: it is putting to rest the neocortex and thus reduce their control over the older structures, of which role is to secrete the hormones necessary for effective uterine contractions. Instead of protecting women at work against neocortical stimulation all useless overhaul its strategy frequently had the opposite effect of enhancing the activity of the neocortex of women in labor.

Actividadesa usually unintentional, such as breathing, have become controlled activities. Psycho adepts have known positions and most unexpected noise that characterize certain women at work when they are "on another planet."

In the U.S., "Lamaze" is easily integrated into an interventionist attitude. This was the beginning of a new vocabulary that conveyed a profound misunderstanding of the physiological process.

Thus working women had the need for "a coach."

At the same time, the point of view of Grantly Dick-Read, England, was based on observations of an experienced physician. Read did not refer to the neocortex, but gives a perfect description, the language of the time, effects of reduced neocortical control during childbirth. For this excellent observer, it was clear that fear is the usual cause of a long labor, difficult and painful. According to his theory, fear is the origin of muscular tension that are themselves the cause of pain in childbirth. In the scientific context of the first half of the twentieth century, he could not interpret cause and effect relationships between fear, muscle tension and difficult delivery. He was not so far to explain that adrenaline inhibits labor segregation and interfering with the action of oxytocin. He could not know that muscle tension is an effect associated with the segregation of adrenallina. Grantly Dick-Read remembered that there are no examples of physiological processes that are painful and draws the conclusion that labor should not be painful.

Since the discovery of endorphins, the questions are done differently. Is needed now accept both the concept of physiological pain and the concept of physiological system of protection against pain.

Hope and optimism:

From knowledge to awareness

whatever they may be difficulties and obstacles, "scientification of love "now provides reason to hope. Scientific knowledge has the power to induce awakenings necessary. The success of "Homo Ecologicus" is not utopian. Humanity has the keys necessary to invent new strategies of survival.

(Source: Michel Odent: "L'amour scientifi" Les Mécanismes de l'amour

Jouvence Editions, août 2001, Translation: MPS)


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