LIST Scientists subscribers David Adams, Psychology, Wesleyan University, Middletown (CT), U.S.. SA Barnett, Ethology. The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
NPBETCHEREVA, Neurophysiology, Institute of Experimental Medicine Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad, USSR.
Bonnie Frank Carter, Psychology, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia (PA), U.S..
Joseph M. Rodriguez Delgado, Neurophysiology, Center for Neurobiological Studies, Madrid, Spain
Andrzej Eliasz, Single Differences Psychology. Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. SANTIAGO
GENOVES, Biological Anthropology, Institute of Anthropological Studies, Mexico City, Mexico. JOSE LUIS DIAZ
, Ethology, Mexican Institute of Psychiatry, Mexico City, Mexico.
E. BENSON GINSBURG, Behavioral Genetics, University of Connecticut, Storr (CT), USA. JO
Groebel, Social Psychology, Errziehungswissens-chaftliche Hochschule, Landau, Germany.
-SAMIR KUMAR GHOSH, Sociology, Indian Institute of Human Sciences, Calcutta, India.
Robert Hinde, Animal Behavior, University of Cambridge, UK.
LEAKEY, Physical Anthropology, National Museum of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya. TAH
H. MALAYSIA, Psychiatry, University of Kuwait
MARTIN J. RAMIREZ, Psychobiology, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
Federico Mayor Zaragoza, Biochemistry, Universidad Autónoma, Madrid, Spain. DIANA L.
MENDOZA, Etiology, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
Ashis Nandy, Political Psychology, Center for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, India.
JOHN PAUL SCOTT, Animal Behavior, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green (OH), USA. Riitta
Walstrom, Psychology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
English Original: English Translation of the Commission.
----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Notes
(1 ) Retrieving Information from Texts Casilda
Rodrigáñez Bustos.
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