Breaking Symbiosis Primary
There is a vast yet little known scientific literature on the effect rupture of the primary symbiosis between mother and infant (eg, when separated after birth or when the baby is left alone in a crib mourn). Author Casilda Rodrigáñez in this area, has done a most excellent job of documentation and correlation of large amounts of data from different research fields, aiming to show that this break is a crucial link in the ontogeny Western man's modern, competitive, individualistic, and with a high degree of disconnection with respect to their inner being (emotions, basic drives, fears, etc ...). Below are some interesting paragraphs Article extracted Motherhood and the correlation between libido and physiology , for the reader to judge for himself the impact globally, with the primal breeding habits of our society:
Nils Bergman explains [ Restoring the original paradigm ( 1 )] than in our rhombencephalon (hindbrain) are three neurological programs, the defense, the nutrition and reproduction, each of these programs is associated a package of hormones and nerves and muscles so that the activation of two programs affect in many ways everything that happens in the body. These three programs that regulate all the basal metabolism of our bodies, provides for maintenance of life in different circumstances
.(...) .
If the child is separated from his mother, the nutrition program closes and opens the defense, the creature comes into a state of alert, and protest by crying asking to be returned to their habitat. The creature separated from the mother makes a strenuous activity that causes a drop in body temperature, decreased heart rate and breathing, tachycardia and apnea induced by the massive increase of glucocorticoids (stress hormones). And if the child is maintained separated from the mother during the time, cry more and more desperate, and will alert state of despair, until exhaustion will surrender. Bergman says mourn is harmful for newborns, it restores the fetal circulation and increases the risk of intraventricular hemorrhage and other problems . There are studies that explain the massive discharges of stress hormones that create a biochemical toxicity damages the neurological system formation, then not only damage to brain cells but also the memory and set up a deregulation durardera of brain biochemistry ( 2 ).
Bergman did a study comparing newborn babies attached to the mother with creatures separated from the mother (3 ) ensured that both groups received exactly the same care and attention and was the only difference being or not the mother. The rate of cortisol, which is measured by taking samples of saliva, was twice in the creatures separated from the mother. thus appear that the mere fact of separation produces a situation of stress in the newborn child. The increase in the rate of cortisol, the increase in stress-came to be up to 10 times highest when the separation is also subjected to bright lights, noise, blood, etc.. (As has happened routinely in the post-partum hospital of contemporary civilization.) However, an hour from skin contact with the mother to the rate of cortisol lowered 10 times to 2 times more than normal. (...)
Another fact provided by the trials of Bergman is the regulation of body temperature of newborn babies. The temperature graph of a child in the incubator, shown on the one hand a lack of stability: the body temperature is ups and downs and on the other hand, is always below the ambient temperature inside the incubator, as if the creature's body could not absorb the heat from the environment. In contrast, when the creature is on the mother's body, both temperatures are rigged and are stable, the child absorbs heat from the maternal body. Between mother and child is a "heat sync." In addition, the average temperature in the incubator unstable is less than the average temperature over the body of the mother.
Another study with men and women, mothers and non-mothers, gave the following result: the torso of a mother
body synchronization is overwhelmingly evident in the physiology of breastfeeding. The composition of milk the mother produces is not always the same, being the creature attached to the mother who controls and determines the (...)
Bergman said that the baby in the crib or incubator is in a "survival mode" ( survival mode), waiting to return to their habitat, on the mother's body, the decrease body temperature may be a defense to save energy in hopes of returning to perch his mother. So cry: to attract attention and her mother relocate in place to close the program and open defense of nutrition and recover the "development mode" ( grow mode).
According to these investigations, reference values \u200b\u200bconsidered "normal" in children (temperature, heart rate and breathing, etc..) are wrong, since they have been taken as such the values \u200b\u200bof newborn babies outside their normal habitat, in a state of alert and of stress. Bergman says that should be re-evaluated ( 3 ). We therefore face the same situation as Michel Odent concerned about hospital birth, taking as "normal" physiological measurements in an irregular situation. (...)
There are many studies showing that lack of mother and creates different psychological disorders and criminal violence. Bergman refuere another study was also published by Schore AN ( 4 ) and ensures that complications that occur during the birth affects personality, relational capacity, self-esteem, and behavior patterns over a lifetime. If this is added the rejection of the mother and no union with the mother ("bonding"), we can see a strong correlation between criminal and violent behavior . The creation of nests in hospitals and increasing the frequency of premature separation from the mother are correlated to the problems of linking emotional, abandonment of the mother, and alaumento of addictive behaviors (infant's oral needs unmet).
This can Ayucar to understand the assertion Michel Odent ( 5) that the best strategy for an aggressive person is separated from the mother in his early childhood, as well as other studies on the correlation between maternal separation and development of a violent person, including the very important work of Prescott JW that makes clear the relationship between lack of physical pleasure in creatures small and the origins of violence ( 6 ). Margaret Mead also conducted a similar study in different tribes, I do not know, but he cites Carlos Fresneda ( 7 ). Let's not forget what made the Spartans
Allan Schore and his collaborators (4 ) have found that the child separated from the mother can pass the stress (hypervigilance) to despair and hopelessness to a state of disconnection (decoupling) to stop suffering.
In hypervigilance, the sympathetic nervous system is activated strongly and abruptly, with an increased heart rate, blood pressure, tone and surveillance, the anguish of the creature manifested by crying and screaming ... this frenzied state of anxiety, which Perry called "fear-panic" is known as a stimulation ergotropic ... secreting excessive levels of stress hormones leading ... produced in a hypermetabolic state of the brain.
The dissociation is the subsequent reaction to the response to terror, numbing and withdrawal, is a state of conservation and withdrawal, a parasympathetic response that occurs in situations where the person has no help or hope, a response used throughout life, which the individual is cut off to "conserve energy" dangerous behavior of survival in the individual pretends to be dead, in this passive state of deep disconnect, the rate of endogenous opioids is high, resulting in no pain, einhibición immobility cries of anguish. Vagal tone increases significantly with a drop in blood pressure and heart rate (...) in this state, from the brain the creature, the sympathetic system components that consume energy, such as the parasympathetic system is activated energy-saving (...) chaotic biochemical alterations causing a state of neurochemical toxicity to the brain of the baby growing.
must therefore report on what it can mean leaving to mourn a child "until the street", "to learn", etc.. For perhaps the first street is physical fatigue and sleep (a first reaction of survival), but if repeated often, what you do is push the creature of the state of despair to states of disengagement that will manifest in a wide range of autistic symptoms or other more or less severe. If love remains the health, enmity ill. Leaving to mourn a child is an act of indifference.
(...) mother and child separation occurs, with words of Bergman, a lifelong impact ( a lifelong Impact ). However, the physiological and neurological impact is now being exposed, was observed and described for more than 30 years by Michael Balint in psychological analysis, called "basic fault" ( 8 ). Again
parallelism of the psychic and the somatic is a stream of light that illuminates the integrity and psychosomatic unity of souls. There can be no psychological impact physiological impact and vice versa.
As I said, after fifty years of practicing psychoanalyst Balint found widely on their patients, the primary part of the psyche, beneath the oedipal construction, injury, failure, or failure, caused by the breakdown of primary love. On this wound, says its influence is widespread, and is likely to spread to the whole structure of the individual and covering psychobiological in varying degrees both your psyche and your body. Now physiological description survival mode and the defense program governed by stress hormones, and recent findings of neurobiology mentioned confirm the description of the characteristics of the primary wound made from psychoanalysis.
Balint says the psychic wound of this impact encourages great anxiety and remains highly active life. Therefore, throughout our lives, when a disturbance of emotional equilibrium or questioning Oedipus, with we wrapped the wound and on which we built our "ego" (the most common example is the breakdown of a steady partner), we left the wound uncovered and it appears the anxiety that springs from a basic lack
1: Bergman, N. Restoring the original paradigm is a documentary that contains comprehensive information on maternal paradigm. There is another documentary short: Rediscover the natural way, which is translated into Castilian and you can get asking for it: encargos.libros @ laligadelaleche.org In http://www.kangaroomothercare.com/ can ask Restoring the original paradigm and pick up several texts, clinical studies of Bergman Hospital Mowbray Cape Town, etc.
2: Lloyd Mause. The neurobiology of Childhood and War History and as righteus Rape and Purification , quoted in "The crying child and the brain." and http://www.dormirsinllorar.com/ http://www.psycohistory.org/ .
3: Bergman, N. Le portage kangaroo. VI éme Journée Internationale de l `Alaitment. Paris, March 2005.
4: Schore, AN. The effects of early relational trauma on right brain Development, Affect regulation, and infant mental health. Infant Mental Health Journal 2001, 22 (1-2): 201-269.
5: Odent, M. Bulletin of the Primal Health Research Centre ( http://www.primalhealth.org/ ). also developed by Odent in First International Conference on Home Childbirth in Jerez de la Frontera
6: Prescott, JW. Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence. Bulletion of the Atomic Scientist 1975. is available to the Castilian translation of the article online at: http://www.violence.de/prescott/bulletin/article-es.html It is important to note that there is a translation error in Table 1 Article: Where it says "low well" in the original says "low display of wealth", something like "little or ostentatious display of wealth."
7: Cited by Carlos Fresneda in roots emotional intelligence. El Mundo, 22.09.2003.
8 : Balint, M.
Sources: http://crimentales.blogspot.com/
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