Oranges have long been recognized as a very interesting result because it contains vitamin C, and that regular consumption of oranges in our body ensures the necessary daily intake of vitamin C, especially in winter when the orange are in full production.
orange consumption is not the elixir for eternal youth, but make it an ideal food to protect the body from many degenerative diseases and ensures we colds less severe.
All citrus "oranges, lemons and grapefruit, have been widely used in the diets of rejuvenation, because they are high in vitamin C and other antioxidant compounds highly alkaline, which helps purify toxins from the bloodstream, helping to eliminate uric acid
thin the blood oranges are rich in bioflavonoids which have anticancer properties emphasizing the hesperidin, a component of protective properties of the capillaries, it is useful for the treatment of varicose veins, or hemorrhoids. You have seen that can inhibit the growth of certain cell types such as breast cancer or mouth. Eat oranges
helps improve blood circulation, ideal against infarction, their ability to reduce low-density cholesterol (LDL) responsible for poor circulation, and one of the determining factors in the development of vascular disease.
Oranges contain folic acid (vitamin B9), necessary for the proper functioning of cells and the condition of the heart and nervous system. Pregnant women should eat oranges, since this vitamin protects their fetuses against the disease of the spine bifida, a congenital malformation caused by improper growth of the baby.
Oranges contain calcium, necessary for the formation of bones and teeth, and potassium, a mineral that is necessary for fluid balance in the body. Its richness in potassium, along with its high water content and low sodium levels which make it a very suitable food in the diets for weight loss
not hesitate to try them.
Sale of oranges and lemons
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