This is a picture of Ingres which is a bathroom, a women's bathroom, I paint it as the story of a woman who in 1781 went to Turkey and was in a ladies room and was hallucinating and wrote some letters and a book about the sexuality of these women, hospitality, the relationship that existed between them, etc. I have to say in 1993 I found myself was in Hamman described exactly what this lady in 1781, based on the description of which Ingres painted this picture.
(1) I'm going to issue
women, but this is the environment where it is possible to develop the human creature, in the primal stage, both in the maternity ward, etc. as stage parenting and early childhood , ie the absence of
the warp is crucial for the human being to develop their qualities phylogenetically established their human qualities. (2) is the life of complacency, to the desire of loving impulses of human creatures, which now frustrated with the lack of first mother,
who does not meet the loving impulses, not reactive libido and continues after your child because there is an environment where they can expand the qualities guided by the instincts of human creatures. I have to say that we have destroyed the social fabric, where human creatures can grow normally and by way of their innate qualities . (2) This woman, (...) was the secretary of the fourth international conference of women held in 1990 and something, I think it was on the money it says: "It is more rewarding to be
mother an underdeveloped country than in any industrialized "" to be mothers (...). is a sentence "and then says"
in industrialized countries have destroyed the social structures and the state is unable to fill that gap .
This is exactly what has happened and now a woman with a child, his couple in an apartment, is immediately to the burden that can not, the helplessness of not coping, the oppression, isolation, and above all a terrible frustration because what should be a wonderful thing because it becomes a sense of impotence and impossibility ...
We have destroyed the social structures and have not been able to cover ...
A milestone in this process, where once there was a female group in society, that is still within the extended family was the last century, families lived within the grandmothers, aunts, since not that still existed, although hierarchical structure was patriarchal, but there was a group of women within the extended family. Then
step of the extended family to nuclear family I think is an important milestone in the destruction of the social fabric , because the women would not be under the yoke of their laws, of their mothers ... and it seemed clear that if she was going to make a new home with your partner ... but this was a trap because then she was alone with your partner that played the role was one male and over.
Whereupon the real solution would be to democratize the structures, the extended family (3) but
not end with the extended family with aunts just with older sisters, with the grandmothers, the grandmothers, that embrace all not only raising but also with older people , etc, etc.
then I give great importance to understand because now we have many difficulties to raise and educate our children by way of complacency which is what we see now, because
tissue destruction is a social, environmental or Habitability where it is possible that way. I mean that does not exclude the man as says Marta Moia,
needs to be inforced warp, a warp does not stand alone, lack plot, plot
means a very intimate intertwining, you will not each one by hand, otherwise, is to be together but otherwise as we are now. Each has a meaning, a role in the life a chore and things in life are not watertight compartments but each will be placed as things are going.
I say this because it seems to speak of the warp and environment for the development of the human creature,
may seem an exclusion of the masculine role, and not that, is simply to say that NEED WARP, non-woven can not do anything, but we need the fabric and the fabric of this .
I'll try to explain what is the path of complacency and the way of authority.
The way of authority means that I feel superior to the creatures, my sons and my daughters, who are more than them, I feel the moral authority to decide unilaterally on their activity on their behavior, to what do or not do, from my point of view
this is a lack of respect for human integrity. Being human has some instincts that guide their passions, their tastes, their desire to eat his desire to sleep, his desire to play, initiative, etc, etc. The way of indulgence which makes it responsive to the desires of creatures happy if you're hungry for what he wants, his attitude is loving to accommodate the desires of the creature, this pathway creates peace and harmony relationships. The route of the authority in making change is to block the wishes , denies them, they say no, you have to do this and that, although not denied
just the fact that it imposes an external programming what a creature has to do every day is already blocking is act as inhibiting the development of the full potential of the human creature , ie
only guidelines and have scheduled the activity of a child or a child in early childhood or whatever involves a blockage or inhibition of all the innate qualities that creature has .
I'll try to explain with some examples, with what he said before the food, once when a boy was skinny, the doctor said change of scenery for it will have the appetite, he went to sea, mountain, the concern was the appetite, that child should whet your appetite, you have to feel like eating. Now food is diet, diet the creature has to be dealt with as, what happens when the mother puts everything before you have to eat?, prevents feel like eating, hunger shoot him, he was not let a child is hungry a girl, I have this and this, there is little you eat, make it a story to distract the spoon to put him without him noticing,
this is an aberration, we must let the child feel like eating, when a child has want to eat, it eats everything .
This is the ignorance that is that a human being run by their internal drives and is capable of self , that is what is ignored.
With curiosity
same thing happens to program a child is what he has to learn, when a child is what program you have to learn in school, it prevents the curious outbreak, because it has no time to have their own curiosity instead when you satisfy the curiosity of a child who asks, who wants to know, let him free time, space to be curious, and you will respond to that curiosity, that curiosity responds exponentially when he is filled, ie
sated curiosity grows exponentially wanting to know the children and girls and that is something that is demonstrated, Ainstein Albert said this in a text that explains ...
All Humans are born with a thirst for knowledge impressive, but you have to leave you can take that space and that time or that desire . The same applies to the initiative, it occurs that if no incentive rewards and punishments have no initiative, that it is something else, is the opposite incentive-based reward and punishment to do things, prevent us the initiative to do things.
The excuses are usually put to the prohibitions is safety, he explained that Jean Liedloft and other authors, explained how young children were left to go it alone, there were cliffs there, they took a knife and had no fear intersect. I always tell you a volunteer who was in an Amazonian tribe, two four year olds went to the river alone, they went fishing, they went away, not only had not drowned but had fish, and not just fish but had turned on the fire, because he did not know, had been the sole care of children, carving fish and roasted it for dinner and gave him four years.
Well this shows us that all our concept, our conception of children is wrong is wrong, there is an absolute ignorance of the qualities (3) and psychomotor skills even of everything.
Because what we're doing since portapisar is born and to prevent and block the development . Françoise Dolto
explains that there is a mixture, two things come together, also meets the attitude of arrogance. because for example he says,
if a creature does not know it has landed in the world and do not know how to work it please explain how it works but you do not get to decide for that child you have to do and gives the example of that if there comes a Japanese
your city and do not know around the city because you do not tell him what to do , you say the Metro is here, here is the bus here are the restaurants where you eat cheap, you can go to visit this museum tells
but does not encroach the ability of the Japanese decision comes as a tourist but you give the information.
The attitude we have to creatures is not like we would to a person who comes and who does not know how things are going it would be to explain and inform you as things stand, we which is the of arrogance, to decide what to do at any time by going against their instincts life, everyone knows that the human being has a beating heart, bum bum, we breathe, are drives organic bodies are continuous, because we need to constantly be breathing because they are part of (..).
But then there are others that occur only at certain times, for example, the system is activated by sexual drives and the defense system by instincts, "if someone assaults you out of anger to defend yourself, are specific things that trigger certain processes physiological
then it follows that if we do not respect the sequence of events that still drives the impulses which in turn feed back -like with sexuality for example, a phenomenon of childhood is another phenomenon, then passes adolescence, then are the phenomena which succeed each other, but all that
then shorted at one time. We (..) in a process loss deadening qualities and very important ...
The other important thing is what the limits. They say the child can not do what he wants because we have limits, the famous theater of discussion ... where I can not do anything because the boundaries are.
I think the limits are another excuse because every relationship is given in a given environment with certain limits then the issue is not the boundaries but in the relationship from which to address certain limits.