Friday, April 30, 2010

Thick White Discharge 6 Days Before Periods

"The influence of environment seems to be printed in the structure of the brain, which in turn shapes the environment "

"The possible lessons for modern cultures is clear . We seem to be suffering from failures in the family ties, reflected in everything from divorce rates of sexual crimes, alcoholism and drug abuse. "
-James W. Prescott -

few years ago and since I read this article, I was very shocked and still does to read it again, especially the thought experiments that took place by the analyst Harry Harlow in the price they had to pay for these poor babies monkeys, suffering scheduled, alienation of affection, which later proved, to realize what is happening in our human species, the alienation of the affection

Harry Harlow, John Bowlby , Mary Ainsworth, James and Joyce Robertson , Wilhelm Reich, Michel Odent and many others who started scientific work to discover the devastating effects it can have this alienation of affection human creatures in its primal stage.

More and more independent researchers, unfortunately little known, little-publicized in various fields of science that are bringing more and more data about the terrible consequences in brain structure ( 1) and its disastrous impact in individuals and thus in society, because of this alienation of affection has become culture and unfortunately is the tendency of our modern civilization robot.

One of the great scientists is JAMES W. PRESCOTT , which for decades has been working hard to make known their findings also confirm other research on Origins of Human Violence .


By James W. Prescott

Deprived of their mothers, Harry Harlow's monkeys (2) were some sometimes apathetic, sometimes hyperactive and were outbursts of violence. Raised in isolation, were socially inept, frequently hugged and shook themselves as autistic children.


Harlow could not know at the time of his dramatic experiments between the 1950s and 1960s, was that these behavioral disorders were accompanied by brain damage .

more recent studies suggest that during the training periods of brain growth, certain types of sensory deprivation, as the lack of skin contact and the rocking by the mother - results in an incomplete development or damage to the neural systems that control the condition (eg loss of the branches of neurons called dendrites). Since these systems influence the brain centers associated with violence, in a mutual inhibitory mechanism, the child deprived of affection may have difficulty controlling violent impulses when they are adults.

If confirmed, these studies could have profound implications for the human cultures that raise their creatures with low levels of skin contact and movement. The creatures in these societies may be disabled to experience certain kinds of pleasure-and be predisposed to apathy and violence.

riots, I think, have their origins in the somatosensory system of the cerebellum, which regulates the direction of movement and balance (vestibular system) and the sense of touch. (Somestético system). More than other senses such as sight and hearing, touch and seem movement directly linked to emotions such as condition. And this portion of the brain is one of the most susceptible to "model", changes in neuronal structure, during the development of children . In numerous studies of laboratory animals deprived of tactile stimulation and motion have exhibited abnormal social and emotional behavior.

Harlow explained that the behavior of monkeys is simply caused by social isolation and deprivation not in a specific sense of neurobiological processes.

I began to suspect that the cerebellar-vestibular system was involved after a study by psychoanalysts William Mason and Gershon Berkson, who reported that when a garment "surrogate mother" not rocked a monkey infant, maternal deprivation syndrome not developed. To study this possibility, Robert Heath and Bernard Saltzburg medical school took Tulane University, the monkeys provided by Harlow, monkeys reared with extreme violence and extreme isolation, electrophysiological recordings, via electrodes implanted in the cerebellum and limbic regions. Bioelectric signals from these electrodes showed on screen Download "peak" abnormal, which was not seen in normal monkeys. The presence of the peak was also detected by a single computer analysis of EEG records from the scalp of these monkeys in the cerebellum and limbic regions.

much evidence was provided of the role of the cerebellum, in a study I did with AJBerman and Doreen Berman Veterans Administration Hospital in the Bronx in New York. Using

two violent monkeys Harlow, Berman surgery removed part of the outer layers of the cortex of the "old brain" (paleocerebellum region) in a monkey and the "new brain (neocerebellum region) in the other. The monkey with the injury in the "old brain" became much less violent, while the mono with the new brain injury not. This result makes sense: old brain cerebellum connected primarily to the emotional centers in the limbic system, while the new brain region connected primarily to the governing structures very highly neocortical brain processes.

Meanwhile, Austin Riese University of California, Riverside showed that l monkeys raised in isolation you have a larger difference in the branches of brain cells of somatosensory and motor cortex . And at the University of Illinois, Mary Wiliam Floeter and Greenough found that monkeys raised in colonies had more branches of brain cells in parts of the cerebellum that Esther monkeys reared in isolation or in pairs.

Thus the influence of environment seems to be printed in the structure of the brain, which in turn shapes the environment, (I call this proposal to study "ecobiology" of behavior to distinguish it from the socio- biology)

Moreover, cross-cultural studies have established a significant relationship between physical condition demonstrated in human infants and rates of violence among adults. In a study of 49 primitive cultures (3) , found that when levels of affection to the infant are low-and among the Comanches and Ashanti, the levels of violence are high ; where physical condition is high -as among the Maori of New Zealand and the Balinese-violence is low . also found that restrictions on premarital sexual involvement were associated with high violence.

The possible lesson to modern culture is clear. We seem to be suffering from failures in the family ties, reflected in everything from divorce rates of sex crime, alcoholism and drug abuse.

culture depends on our neurobiology, without a physical condition suitable environment, a harmonious society would not be possible.

Psichology Today
Reprinted from December 1979 James W. Prescott WAS
formerly Health Scientist Administrator, Developmental Biology Program Behaviohal. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institute of Health.
March / April 1989

Translated by the author of this blog, original version, English _______________________________________________________________


(1) psychoanalyst Elliott Barker section "The Brain" course "The Art of Parenting", clearly describes the brain damage occurs in creatures, for lack of affection or abuse.

(2) Harry Harlow was an American psychoanalyst who performed experiments with baby rhesus monkeys studied the impact of isolation and deprivation of the mother during the primal period.

(3) studies James W. Prescott were later confirmed 100%. The bulletin: body pleasure and the origins of violence , is published on its website .

"The correlation between lack bodily love in childhood and violence was shown by JWPrescott in 1975, and the correlation between the degree of sexual freedom for women (which is associated with primary love ) and the degree of violence. This study was conducted in 49 non-industrialized countries, Prescott obtaining a correlation of 98%, a further review of the study showed that Prescott was mistaken and that the correlation was 100%. This means that there is a zero percent chance that a human being from birth libidinally satisfied to be a violent person. This correlation has subsequently been found in neurological terms: first, it was found that l to formation of the neurological system from 14/16 weeks of gestation is not genetically patterned and depends on the libidinal relationship with the environment , and secondly, that adaptation of this system in training, you can either develop the capacity for empathy or the capacity for indifference and cruelty, by type creature's interaction with its environment . This is how neurologically has also proven that a freezing environment libidinal develops creatures prone to violence. (Casilda Rodrigáñez in Degeneration of the human race by the loss of their fundamental qualities )

sources of information

Video on the Origins of Violence

The qualities of the human creature

Female Sexuality

"maternal instinct or desire?

Patriarchate Project

The paradigm of women

Impact of Mother-Baby Separation

matricide and therapeutic status

Manifesto for the recovery of motherhood

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How To Lock The Bag Number

Alienation of Affection The roots of horror in the crib

by Alice Miller


in any dictator, murderer or terrorist, however daunting it is and without any exception, a child who was once severely beaten, and who, to survive, had to completely deny their feelings of utter helplessness . But this radical denial of the suffering endured behaved in an empty interior, and in many of these beings, an arrest of development of the innate capacity for compassion .

Destroying human life, including themselves, reduced to the state of emptiness, do not cause any problems.

Today we can find on the computer screens lesions in the brain of children destroyed care or private. Numerous articles in specialist brain research, among others Bruce D. Perry, who is also child psychologist, provide us with valuable information on this topic.

Contrary to what you believed until recently, we do not come into this world with a brain fully formed: it develops during the first years of life, and that one does to the child during this period, in good as in evil, often leaves indelible marks. Because our brain keeps the body and emotional memory, though, unfortunately! mental-not necessarily all that has happened . If the creature has, by his side, a person able to help, he learns to magnify what is known: the cruelty, brutality, hypocrisy and ignorance. Because the child only learns by imitation, and not absorb what you're looking to instill with beautiful well-intentioned words. Later, one that will be grown without support from someone that security will become an instigator of the massacres, mass death, the Mafia godfather or dictator, exercise, or help to carry on entire populations, once the will to power, the same terror that it met and personally suffered as a child.