" All discussions about the issue of whether man is good or bad, whether it is a social or antisocial, are in fact philosophical pursuits. That man is a social or a protoplasmic mass irrational reactions, depending on whether their basic biological needs are in harmony or in conflict with the institutions that it has created "Wilhelm Reich
For Casilda Rodrigáñez
Boockhin Murray (9) ensures that the voice oldest to describe the concept of freedom 'is amaryi , a Sumerian expression means return to the mother, adding that reference surely to that freedom had existed only in society matricentric. The concept of 'freedom' appeared in human consciousness when it appeared the repression could not appear before, it is not possible, the concept of 'freedom' if there is no repression.
The concept of 'freedom' thus makes reference to the recovery of something lost, a life without Suppression of matricentric societies, whose memory was still present in the memory of the Sumerian civilization.
The existence of the Golden Age is mentioned not one, not two, but in many ancient literary works that speak of this era of mankind, and if not recognized academically because it is neither known nor for lack of evidence (10) . As we said in the first part of Rise Oedipus The assault Hade s also archeology (11) has unearthed thousands of Neolithic sites, which show clear evidence, both for its quantity by the evidence of their content, culture and art that some have called a celebration of life. (12), it actually recreated life showing the absence of relations of domination and wars among its inhabitants, a world inhabited by these authors say, not the homo sapiens, but homo ludens, as is the expression of well-being and bienaventauranza offering their art and architecture of their villages and towns.
Their culture expressed the wisdom of nature (especially the wisdom body), which is the wisdom of the self in life, and that is true wisdom to serve the welfare and wildlife conservation. The experience accumulated over a generation transmitting to the next orally. So wisdom is to culture, to cultivate the desire of being the group that was not 'prejudiced', 'troubled' or 'persecuted' by other interests other than the well-being, as at present, that all knowledge is censored, to that lies not unveiled, and polluted by the interest to make gains and build wealth. Wisdom was not in books but in human bodies, customs, art, in the same relations of brotherhood. With growing age the accumulated wisdom, the experience made and received from other persons, and therefore respected and revered the elderly. No, is not a proclamation to go back, but to fill books and media of the true wisdom of the self and human welfare.
As Antony Hopkins says in the movie Instinct , this is not a formal primitive, or return to the pre-industrial or pre-technological, or to destroy the cities be destroyed only one thing domination. Without a domain, the wisdom of the self would place the entire industry, all technology, all economic systems. For example, no relationship of authority and domination by medical professionals, the mutual desire between mother and child would be strictly respected, not violate the mark, and medicine and the technology would come in their proper place, as we see in documentaries Nils Bergman (13) in which shows how to supply oxygen to premature babies and serum lying cheek to cheek on the mother's bare torso. Nad it is not difficult or complicated, it is the simple sea.
Before anything else, domination is materially breach of the self life.
In pre-patriarchal times, aware of the ability of self and body wisdom, would have laughed if it had appeared an expert tell them to be taught to eat or sleep for a child or a woman to give birth.
is no doubt that medicine has discovered and launched some very important ways that can help save life and to freedom at any given time. But what happens is that on behalf of the eventual salvation, self-regulation is blocked and the wisdom body, mix which heals and saves us, making us sick and killing us, and often intervenes on behalf of the causing a disease prevention and that there was a risk, as is being recognized and with respect to motherhood and parenting. The failure of self-regulation of motherhood and childhood has been and remains the pillar of society of domination.
human creatures have an almost infinite desire to know and an ability to learn for themselves that would exceed the imagination of pedagogy @ l @ s, and the culture of domination can not accept, either in theory or in practice. That is why the creatures are systematically hostile environment to develop their qualities. As stated Liedloff (14) to begin lack confidence in the environment (emotional reciprocity) to move and improve their psychomotor apparatus through experience, without trust in the environment, the creature does not dare to experiment, or makes it much more slowly, in Instead, the creatures of the Amazon rainforest not retract their innate confidence because I never have lacked the maternal body, reach a soreprendente autonomy long before those of our Western society (15) .
Zerzan (16) also provides data in this regard and said that small 'Kung studied by Ainsworth (1967) showed a marked precocity in the development of the early cognitive and motor skills . He attributed the exercise and stimulation of a freedom of movement without restriction and the high degree of warmth and closeness between parents' and children Kung . (See also Konner 1976). Elaborating on this, adding that Zerzan feed children receive much more care, time and attention than the isolated nuclear families civilization. He also cites a surprising finding of Duffy (1984): all children of a camper Mbuti father called all men and all women mother . Also at Post and Taylor (1984) which described "almost permanent contact" with their mothers and other adults that Bushman children enjoy .
Physical security not achieved continuously monitor and inhibiting the action of the creature, but maintaining the respect, affection and trust reciprocity of the creature in the environment after birth. As I said Françoise Dolto (17) , the so-called natural overprotection leaves them vulnerable to the creatures because it prevents and slows learning. And we say 'bad llamada'sobreprotección because it protects itself is never wrong, nor can it be excessive it is bad when behind the protection that is in real domination and disrespect for self-development of the creatures. There is a direct relationship between the Palamós / repression that inhibits the action of the creature itself (Domination), and vulnerability:
Inhibition of the action ----> delay in learning --- -----> vulnerability
An equation that would be known in order to change the general attitude of all mothers and fathers control so literally suffocating his creatures, interfering with their own development, attitude, in part due to the unknown qualities of the human creature and its way of development, and therefore wrongly deployed the necessary legitimate desire to protect them.
Dolto reads: This side sleep imagination without power, the creativity that grows in the desert, and the whole problem is to prevent the choking adults.
The inhibition mechanism of action studied by French physician Henri Laborit (18) Michel Odent and collected in any of his texts (19) , explains what happens neurologically when aggression is impossible to respond either by fighting or by fleeing (Laborit) and no other alternative than submission and resignation .... (B)
People who have lived in peace with their sons and daughters, not the typical permanent war (war given by children is a popular term), they know from experience that the human creature is good, generous, detached, you want the happiness and welfare of their loved ones, which relies heavily on them until they are repeatedly betrayed the trust that originally she leaves us, that has an almost infinite desire learning knowledge and ready to deploy, and always carried a few or many media and freedom at its disposal, that want to develop your life and follow their impulses, take initiative and make decisions about things that the incumbent, which is capable Of all the complications and sacrifices for their elders and their brothers and sisters, that is complacent, which is full of love and libidinal energy, and rejects as much as mastering be mastered, because when a child grows their own initiative being respected, it is also respectful of dem @ s. The creature is not forced into the spiral of war of domination, then it is patient, understanding, respectful, imaginative, spontaneous, curious, witty, loves the truth and not lie, it sees no other way of relating that of transparency. And that is, until you lose confidence and with her innocence.
When we realize that it is not, then we started cornering qualities of our primary integrity that we are useless, and to provide resistance to what flows from within us, we shrug and we tightened. So we began to disconnect from our instincts to start building battleships and ego, identity, personality, according to the rules of the world (inhibition, mistrust, deception, blackmail, lying, hoarding, dominance, submission, competition) that are distinct from 'rules' of life in full primary (drive, desire, initiative, curiosity, confidence, cascading, indulgence, generosity, satisfaction, reciprocity, transparency). The little man learns from its environment autoinhibirse, lying, to submit and to master, and learns that lying, submission and domination are the way to survive. And when the human creature acquires the experience that lies, submission and domination is what works, leaving behind the 'golden age' of innocence and integrity of the human condition, learn that subject is annoyed, and that annoyed not have to annoy the neighbors, that is not to be dominated dominate ... ... (B)
From our current perspective absence welfare, welfare is a goal, as Jean Liedloff (14) , something to look. However, welfare is the primary and normal state of the creature, the feeling that accompanies self-regulation is therefore something that we lost and we must search for and retrieve. And this notion of something perdido'la found in the lost paradise of myths of origins. Wellness is normal mood of the human creature, to which add joy, joy, tenderness, passion and pleasure. The concept of 'felicidad'que have is a longing for that state and its consequences.
Mothers and fathers of our society think that the happiness of their children's social success depends on reaching, and so educate them to develop the 'intelligence fratricidal' learn to compete and win every potential competition. But the happiness of any human being does not depend on social success we achieve in this world, but the capaidad develop life to love her, that is, to live in an environment of reciprocity, in which the spill to work, and in which the hypercomplex set of systems that form the body can regulate itself, and this develop and flourish capacity to love is exactly what remains committed to the suppression of maternal desire, repression of infantile sexuality and education fratricidal ... (B)
(9) MURRAY BOOCHKIN, societé a refaire Joins , Atelier de Création Libertaire, Lyon
(10) According ANDRES ORTIZ OSÉS ( keys symbolic of our culture, Anthropos, Barcelona 1933) in the Homeric hymns, in the Orphic writings, in the last period of Aeschylus and Hesiod's work , there is sufficient material to understand the pre-patriarchal society, also in Metamorphoses Ovid , apart from references to the Golden Age, etc. of the classics of our Golden Age of ancient literature they read in the original versions in Greek or Latin, another source is the study of some contemporary peoples antrpológicos
(11) Eg see the work of archaeologists like Marija Gimbutas and James MELAART .
This theme is developed in Chapter 2 of The Assault on Hades.
(12) Jordi Pigem Pe, The Civilization of the Goddess: the religion of nature in ancient Europe, Integral Journal no. 1042. And NICHOLAS PLATON, Crete ed. Youth, 1974. See chap. 2, The Assault on Hades .
(13) Rediscover the way natural and Restoring the original paradigm , NILS & JILL BERGMAN production, 2001. www.kangaroomothercare.com.
(14) Jean Liedloff, The Continuum concept, Ob Stare, 2003.
(15) Dr. Marcelle Geber in in 1958 did a study in Uganda of 308 creatures bred 'old-fashioned' ( suckled at its discretion, carried in constant proximity with the mother, sharing the same bed ) and compared creatures with a group of European ( fed by bottle, pushed in carts, away from their parents at night ... ). The conclusion was that African creatures developed their motor skills and intellectual to begin earlier during the first year (Quoted by Carlos Fresneda in emotional roots of intelligence, World 09/22/2003).
(16) JHON Zerzan, Future Primitive , Numa Ediciones, Valencia 2001. Pags 30-31. See Note 6 on page 18 of this book.
(17) FRANÇOISE DOLTO, La cause des enfants, Robert Laffont, coll. Le Livre de Poche, Paris 1985.
(18) Henri Laborit, L'inhibition de l'action , Masson 1980. See note (6) of the Introduction.
(19) Michel Odent, The end of the murder of Christ? View Note (4) of the Introduction collectors, as cited by Zerzan (note 5 of the introduction) .. ______________________________________________________________
(A) Related article, highly recommended:
degeneration of the human race by the loss of their fundamental qualities Rodrigáñez by Casilda. (Nov. 2009)
(B) The integrity of the text " The qualities of the human creature " are on pages 27-51 of the book of Casilda Rodrigáñez "Sexuality and Domination operation "
The qualities of human being (half) ---------------------
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