Artistic gymnastics is a winner is defined by the number of points accumulated in the years in several or all devices. To earn points, gymnasts must forfeited routines in the units with a certain level of difficulty, each execution attributed points, if the gymnast makes a mistake or falls, or it ends badly, dress or not it does not have good expression and movement subtracted points to your score. This type of sport requires judges to qualify for the gymnasts. The devices are for a given sex, about women's and men, although not forbidden to use the other.
The leotard women may or may not cover the arms, legs are always discovered color, motifs and patterns always vary.
The men wear a shirt and pants set that hook to the feet. Gymnast Body
Women should always be thin, often of small stature and young age.
Men have very strong muscles, the chest and shoulders and strong arms eztremadamente defined. as women, the body must be young and agile. Floor Exercises
In this exercise equipment is not required, only an area in which gymnasts are not to leave, and they must cover routine completely during a certain time, usually between 1 and 3 minutes. Consists Run a clean routine and falls within the relevant area, the actions vary according to the gymnast and must follow a musical beat forzozamente.
Here are some examples of frequent executions for female and male category.


Beam Exercises
is a single bar that gymnasts must give stunts detach and hang back, hold hands (above the bar, balancing)

uneven bars are two bars, one lower than the other, where the gymnasts are tricks and jump from one bar to another, to hang loose and vvuelven, etc.

Salto de Burro (Vault)
consists of a device on which gymnasts jump taking off for turning down a mattress without tripping or falling on his face, to finish up and make a ated reverence. Jump Sequence

Relying on the device turning

after jumping (to fall into the mattress)

Balance Beam (Balance Beam)
This exercise is performed by the gymnasts, they should walk without slipping on the device following the beat of music (not necessarily) and make runs high difficulty as spins, jumps, balance the hands, etc.. Jumping


Parallel Bars
This device consists of two parallel bars in which gymnasts perform their routines, jumping, spinning and balancing.

Horse (pommel horse)
This device has two handles which the gymnast may stop for balance and execute orders, can occupy the entire upper area of \u200b\u200bthe horse to do their executions. Scissors

horse turns around and balance

This device consists of two rings by cuorreas susendidos of the gymnast must engage with bare hands to drop the routine finished. The performances are almost always turns on the axis of the arms and balance in vertical and perpendicular positions. Dislocate shoulders to give the money, and that the hands never loose rings